Why do I Have Varicose Veins so Young?

Varicose veins are a warning sign of the body and often a serious one. I believe nobody realises how important the location of the varicose vein is and what it can disclose.

Caused by our nutrition and the toxins in our food and environment all health problems can show up when we are young. 

The experience of one of my clients showed me how important actually my workshop ‘WARNING SIGNS OF THE BODY’ actually is.

She has now the early stages of Macular Degeneration but the skin condition of her feet and the varicose vein that got many years ago removed could have warned her, when she would have gone to a knowledgable and intuitive Alternative Practitioner. With the varicose vein an acupunturist or acupressurist would have been helpful.

My next workshop about WARNING SIGNS OF THE BODY  will be  January 12, 2013

 Anna Christine