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Why are so Many Overweight?
Forty years ago only a few were overweight in North America. Why has this changed?
Already 1936 the United States government was informed that fruits, vegetables and grains did not contain enough of certain minerals. No matter how much one would eat, our food was starving us already then. Sixtyfive years later and more mass production the nutritional value of our food has worsened.
The body needs 16 essential minerals and 12 trace minerals to be able to absorb the vitamins.
Our sheep got a salt-lick-stone. That stone was brown because of the minerals it contained.
Unfortunately our body is not able to tell us which minerals it needs. We are just hungry, eat too much and the body hopes it gets what it needs, but it does not . This is one of the reasons so many are overweight.
Did you never wonder wgy the USDA recommends five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables – experts say ten.
In the past many had gardens and wood stoves. The wood ash was spread in the garden and gave the plants the needed minerals.
Now we have electrical heat and we need supplements to stay healthy..
Here is my own proof: years ago I was always eating the whole chocolate bar, I just could not stop. Nowadays, taking regularly supplements one little piece is enough.
Being overweight is a serious warning sign of the body.
Anna Christine Doehringg, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™