Never really interested in the nutritional aspect of health I always said “Just eat fruits and vegetables out of the garden and cook from scratch and all will be fine. Recently Dr. Mercola emphasized the importance of vitamin K2
- It helps build strong bones
- promotes a healthy heart
- is good for our memory
- is beneficial for arteries and veines
- is anti aging
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Vitamin K is fat soluble, which means that fat is an important part of our nutrition … to utilize vitamin K, vitaim D and vitamin A. Perhaps there are more, but I don’t know. I use extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, organic butter, organic cheese (also the full fat content) and organic 3.5% yoghurt.
Vitamin K is in all green leafy vegetables, fermented soy (which I don’t use, because soy is very often GMO) …. he forgot to mention that it is actually part of the Natural Vitamin C that we get from fruits. It contains becide the ascorbic acid we know a wide array of nutrients like bioflavonoids, ascorbigen, rutin, hesperidin, choline, vitamin K tyrosinase and organically bound copper.
Dr. Matthias (Germany) and DR. Michael O’Brian (Canada) emphasized this important fact and said in lectures that when thinking of Natural Vitamin C as a balloon then the ascorbic acid would be the ‘skin’ and the others ingredients would be inside. I believe they actually mentioned three vitamins, but I inly rtemember Vitamin K.
In short: when we eat homegrown fresh fruits and vegetables our body will get what it needs .
Anna Christine