What Causes Back Pain?

Back Pain is mostly caused by emotional stuff that is not processed.  When the emotional challenge is not processed it settles as pain in certain areas of the back and becomes chronic.

I was always wondering why people with back pain  go for long times regularly to a Chiropractor. Then I studied Jin Sjin Do Acupressure and it became clear.

We have along the back on each side of the spine the points of the 12 orgen-meridians. Every meridian is connected to an emotion and the area of the pain depends of the emotion we have not processed . 

Anger – Worry – Fear of Death – Missing Love and Nurtering — Grief – Inability to Let Go.  It is often easy, but most don’t know.

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Accidents can be of couse also the reason, like falling during childhood on the tailbone, car accidents, falling of a horse, falling backwards on a hard surface and others. I tend to believe that in these cases the Chiropractor is helpful.

A;ways thinking about what you need to know …

Anna Christine