To remove Trapped Emotions and Heart Walls become more and more important for people. There is help!
As a Jin Shin Do Practitioner I know that injuries, every excessive emotion or emotional trauma is causing energy blockages in the body. The location depends of the kind of emotional trauma or the injury. These energy blockages prevent the cells to communicate with each other which causes over time health problems.
Every Organ Meridian is linked to an emotion and therefore the trauma will be ‘trapped’ in the area of the meridian. Easy.
When the issue is about Love then it will be araund the heart and cause what some call a Heart Wall. I heard that a way to get rid of this wall with a magnetic coller which is true. I have one but never used it for that. Reconnective Healing® and Jin Shin Do Acupressure address and remove trapped emotionss in a perfect way … and I believe that Reconnective Healing® even achieves more in regard to go to the deepest root cause.
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As a Jin Shin Do Practitioner I know that injuries, every excessive emotion or emotional trauma is causing energy blockages in the body.
can help people who are far away from any practitioner.
Anna Christine
PS.: In my workshop Signs of Our Body that something is wrong I’ll talk about this issue