We often ask ourselves, what might be the most important and effective form of alternative healing?
Dr. Desiree Hurtak said April 9., 2023 at the Easter Conference in Phoenix about Key 408 of ‘The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch”: “Reconnective Therapy is the first and foremost way to heal us. It comes from a Higher level of Higher guidance”
Years ago Kryon said in a channelling about a new form of healing `…Get ready for Intelligent Quantum Healing to occur … it marries you and the innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own data and its own DNA.
Reconnective Therapy. Reconnective Healing®, and Intelligent Quantum Healing are terms for this new most important form of alternative healing.
Reconnective Healing® balances us on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level Meridians, chakras and the aura are also getting balanced.. This enables the innate intelligence of our body to heal itself.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: Also Distant Reconnective Healing sessions