Animal Distance Sessions

Distant Energy Healing for Pets- Reconnective Healing® for Animals

Most animals  come into my Holistic Healing Centre in Nanaimo, BC, for Reconnective Healing® sessions, but Animal Distance sessions are as effective.  This can be of benefit –  Animals sometimes fall asleep and have to be woken up, but when  at home it can keep sleeping. This is very beneficial for the healing process..

All animals benefit: pets, wild animals, fish, snakes, sheep, birds, horses, hedge hogs, rabbits, zoo animals and others.

Reconnective Healing® sessions typically take 30-45 minutes.  Animals need most of the time  only one or two sessions.

Details about Distant Reconnective Healing you’ll find HERE

More about   Reconnective Healing®

Reconnective Healing® in my office and Distant Reconnective Healing®
Session Fee $ 90

Payment to Anna Christine Doehring
Other Amount:
Your Name & Email Address:
