Reconnective Healing® – Cerebral Palsy

Dr. Eric Pearl transcends with Reconnective Healing® the Energy Healing Techniques

The new movie, The Living Matrix. Presents beside other Healing modalities the effects of Reconnective Healing® on a little boy with Cerebral Palsy.

Dr. Eric Pearl is continuously interviewed by other health professionals about  Reconnective Healing® and The Personal Reconnection®. His healing work has touched the lives and hearts of countless people. He was originally a successful chiropractor, for 12 years. One day his patients started to experience healings when he simply held his hands near them. Patients soon reported miraculous healings from cancer, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, AIDS-related diseases, birth disfigurements and other serious health issues. Eric documents these healings in his book: ‘The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself’, which has become a bestseller and is available in 30 languages.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP

Reconnection Certified Practitioner.

One thought on “Reconnective Healing® – Cerebral Palsy”

  1. . We were tauhgt 3 words to use over and over in this work and they were, “I don’t know.” This is a modality of true surrender, something beyond the idea of intention. Something great may not happen in a session, to hold even that intention is to impose on the Universe an outcome that it may not intend. One can only surrender to what is.Atmara recently posted..

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