Reconnective Healing for Little Dog’s Anxiety

Last week my neighbour’s little dog got injured by a  racoon. Because of several puncture wounds my neighbours went with her to a veterinarian.

I had heard the whimpers when the racoon attacked her, therefore I thought  Reconnective Healing might help her to get over the stress and went to my neighbours.

First the little dog was running a bit around but then, after she had fetched a little bone she was standing in front of me. To the surprise of her owners she started eating that bone. They were so astonished because for the last two weeks the dog had always hidden the bone somewhere, but never eaten it.

Because Reconnective Healing heals us on all levels, – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, – I assume  the dog had anxiety issues and the healing frequencies caused her to relax, trust and let go of her anxiety.
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Anna Christine
PS.: everything new is accepted according to a Bell-Curve … first a few, then suddenly most of us … only a few ‘die-hards’  believe for a long time the earth is flat,  the media are telling us everything and so on .. and it will be the same with Reconnective Healing.