Reconnective Healing – 2012 – Updating the Brain

Dr. Eric Pearl said a few days ago on the Aware Show to Lisa Garr in an interview about Reconnective Healing

“Thinking of an computer – What if the brain is hardware …. and the DNA the software …
with Reconnective Healing we are facilitating a human software (Brain) update … with more access to the Zero Point Field.
We are not just accessing the multimensional field we are becoming more multidimensional beings… that is the reason why we have now Reconnective Healing … is there a relationship to 2012 …it is … it gets us ready for the becoming … for 2012

Reconnective Healing is more than Energy Healing (like for example Reiki, QiGong and others)
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Please call before 250-756-2235 (PST), because seating is limited.

Anna Christine