Recently, November/December 2013, so much is talked in the media about how much veterans are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Four committed suicide.
Every time I hear this I wonder “why are they not using Reconnective Healing to help these veterans. Being calm and more at peace is the first what clients observe? … it must be horrible to live constantly with the guilt of having killed another human being.”
Two years ago 600 doctors attended in Serbia the Reconnective Healing seminar because one intended there to make this part of the medical training. A while after I heard in the radio that they still have in Serbia many people who suffer from PTSD and are unable to work. Therefore I believe that was one of the reasons one wanted to enable doctors to help patients with PTSD with Reconnective Healing®.
PTSD can also be caused by accidents and when one of my grandsons would have PTSD I would give them distant Reconnective Healing sessions or pay for sessions from a local practitioner in their area.
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Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a Russian Quantum Physicist, shows in his book ‘Science Confirms Reconnective Healing’ that Reconnective Healing® is not just about healing from disease, it is also improving and upgrading performance and life on all levels – also the brain gets upgraded.
Anna Christine