Preparing for a talk about the dangers of GMO on CHLY Radio 101.7, Nanaimo, I found on Dr. Mercola’s website how the wife of Mitt Romney, Ann, turned 1098 the progression of her MS around.
She credits the turn around in her health to eating only organic food, Reflexology sessions, and Acupuncture sessions. In Acupressure the same meridians are used.
This is a perfect combination. Since quite a while I believe that MS may be caused by a variety of things.
- Toxins in our food, personal care products, and our environment.
- Accidents that have an effect on the meridians that affect the brain.
- Stress which also affects one of the meridians that transverses several times the scalp/brain.
- Talking forever on portable or cell phones, beause after 8 min the blood brain barrier opens and all the toxins in the blood can get in.
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Regarding naming diseases. One takes similar health problems and gives them a/one name.
- Ann Romney reduced the intake of toxins that are in the food.
- The Acupuncturist balanced all her meridians and the Chi-flow and reduced by this also stress.
- The Reflexologist applied specific pressure techniques on the feet and perhaps the ears and activated/balanced the nervous system, cell-to-cell comunication, the lymph flow, the Chi-flow, and the blood flow. Reflexology is an amazing holistic modality for healing.
This approach enables the body to heal itself.
Anna Christine