Often we are not aware how much other people are sapping our energy. During my Training at the Chelaume Healing Centre in Victoria I learned how to cut cords, how to balance chakras and much more. We may have these cords because we are still attached to a partner after a separation. Other reasons are that we are around energy vampires … people who are very low in energy and involuntary sap our energy. Now, as a Reconnection Certified Practitioner™ balancing meridians and cutting chords happens during the Reconnective Healing® session when it is necessary – even a Distant Reconnective Healing® session, a new form of distant energy healing,
Years ago I was concerned about a friend in Germany who told me she is always so tired. I decided to find out if there are any cords to cut…. and there were a lot to cut … at her chakras one, two and three. To my surprise there were also many at her sixth and seventh chakra. During Reconnective Healing® sessions, also distant ones, I am guided by Divine Spirit and therefore I do not have to ask for permission.
She did not know that I had cut all her cords around 11 pm (23 h) her time. When I called her she told me she could not sleep and was so energetic that she tidied her apartment up after midnight. I had to laugh and confessed what I had given her a Distant Reconnective Healing® Session .
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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™