Today, entering Chapters in Nanaimo, the first table in front of me was loaded with books about the BRAIN
Brain Magic – Brain Improvement . Healthy Brain Aging –
and all I could think was: Isn’t there the saying “You are what you eat” … why are they not eating healthy fresh organic food? Why don’t they all have a garden when they have a property? Why don’t they go in nature, in the forest? Why don’t they have phones and computers on landlines? Why did they not say NO to the Smart Meter? When they only would read my blogs to get info they obviously don’t have and/or do research at the internet!
Doug de Vito wrote a book about the results of Reconnective Healing®. The titlel is “THE UPGRADE’ It has this title because Reconnective Healing rejuvenates and upgrades the brain. It reduces stress, It balances the emotions Research has proven that. It can be done worldwide as distant Reconnective Healing®.
Doug de Vito wrote a book about the results of Reconnective Healing®. The titlel is ‘THE UPGRADE’ It has this title because Reconnective Healing upgrades the brain. Research has proven it.
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Unfortunately another book got published shortly before: ‘Science confirms Reconnective Healing’, by Konstantin Korotkov, and I believe that it is not allowed to use scientific findings from a book that came on the market before. Therefore we cannot buy yet THE UPGRADE.
Reconnective Healing® is an easy way to help us with our brain. Every day I have a new solution for something and think “Why did I not realize that before?” The upgrading happens continuously.
Anna Christine