My client Arnold did not mention Prostata Problems. He came because his hip was hurting. After several sessions he asked me if Reflexology also helps with prostate problems.
My response was: “how often do you have to go to the bathroom?` “I am more in the bathroom than in bed and now I could sleep through the night ” was his answer. He was very surprised.
Of course I asked him for his testimonial.
Hearing Problems, Hip, Prostrate
Reflexology (European Style)
“Not only that I can hear the turning signal of my car again and the hip pain is gone… what surprises me the most… I can now sleep through the night… before I was more in the bathroom than in bed. Up seven times a night.”
~ Arnold A., Nanaimo
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Certified Practitioner
Reflexology – Reconnective Healing