Help for Back Pain

 GoChi is truly helping with back pain.  August 2005 I had a severe car accident … for a few minutes unconscious from the impacts. Triple whiplash.

My lower back and also the kidney area, the neck and the head caused a lot of problems. The nervous system was also affected. And PTSD was a problem for quite a while.

The pain at the top of my head was more than pain, especially after I excerted myself (going up-stairs or up-hills) … I had the feeling that small bloodvessels were leaking. I’ll  be forever grateful that I was already drinking  Himalayan Goji Juice since one year. I believe that I might have died otherwise.

The death of a skier showed a few years later that one actually can die from a blow to the head when bloodvessels get injured. She did  not take her sky-accident seriously and died the next day.

It took me at least 2 years  to realize the severity of my accident. My back was all the time hurting but it was bearable because  I was drinking  daily 4 ounces GoChi, the next juice from that company, which is containing at least 30% more of the active ingredients, bioactive polysaccharides that re-establish the communication between the cells. Over time my back got better and better

In December 2007 I wanted to see what happens with my back when I stop drinking GoChi.

One morning after 2 weeks, when I wanted to switch my radio off that is on the night table, I was sitting on my bed unable to turn to the right. The pain in the kidney area was so intense that it was impossible to move.
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“Enough research” I thought and started immediately drinking GoChi again. The next morning I was ok.

Most of the  problems like PTSD, back pain, neck pain  and the headaches improved over time. I am still drinking the juice because of my double vision that I have since the accident.

 I strongly recommend everybody who had an accident to drink GoChi.

I believe from everything that I learned and observed that trauma will over time always cause problems. It can take 10, 20 or 30 years. I wonder how many have back problems because they fell as children on their tailbone or had other accidents.

Anna Christine
