Effects of Processed Food

On the Health of Cats … Why we should have sustainable communities.

On one of my many tapes is a study they did with two groups of cats and the following four  generations of both groups.

One group got normal cat food (whatever that was) and the other group got processed food (probably pellets, I believe they did not specify it) .

The results show that the health care costs for the baby boomer generation might be higher than expected.

The interesting result was that every following generation of cats of the group that got processed food had earlier and earlier health problems.

One can compare this to what is happening to people who eat a lot of processed food. Processed food is ‘dead food’ without any life energy. Our body needs the life energy of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Our grandparents had on average degenerative diseases like arthritis, Alzheimers’s, or heart problems  when they were 80. Our parents had them around 60, the next generation has problems with 40, and I talked already to a young woman that had arthritis with 22 and could not have a child because she was on arthritis medication.

The dramatic ending of the processed food eating cats was, that they lost their survival skills. Both groups were put in a cage that could be flooded. In both cages was a float the cats could climb on.

The well fed group climbed on the float.

The group that ate since 4 generations processed food tried to climb the wall, which meant their death  when they would not have been saved.

Writing this I actually have to think of my mother who was years ago horseback riding in the Rockies and came totally surprised home because she was with 65, coming from a big city (Berlin), the only one who could make a fire.

Even when somebody never made a fire, with some thinking one should figure out how to do it.

This is the reason that I write so often about the importance of gardens and sustainable communities.

Concerned Anna Christine

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