Distance Healing for Dogs

Dogs and  actually all animals can be helped with distance healing, especially Distance Reconnective Healing® . Animals cannot say what is wrong or where it hurts.  Sometimes we see where it might hurt when we have a dog,r a cat, or a horse.. Try to find out what is wrong when your bird, guinea pig, mouse, hamster  or fish obviously is in distress..

I also like to give distance session to animals, especially dogs or cats because  clients might be allergic. It does not matter how far away the animal lives.The furthest away was a cat in New Zealand who received two sessions and after the client experienced the changes in the animal she wanted  sessions too.

All I need is the name of the animal and the location, a photo is nice but not necessary..
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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: Most of the time animals need only one or  two sessions