During my training in energy healing at the Chelaume Healuing Arts Centre in Victoria, BC, I learned as part of energy balancing also how to balance chakras.
Chakra Balancing was done separately when the client wanted it. Otherwise it was part of the session and addressed by the Reflexology or JinShinDo Acupressure session.
Unfortunately many people do not know what a Chakra is and how important it is to be balnced and what it means to balance it.
To make it very short: Chakras are like energy vortexes long the middle line of the body. 7 Chakras are relevant for the physical body.
They are called: 1st Chakra (root), 2nd Chakra (below navel), 3rd Chakra (solar plexus), 4the Chakra (heart), 5th Chakra (throat), 6th Chakra (third eye), 7th Chakra (crown).
They affect the area around them and when they are blocked then health problems might show up in that area. Like for example heart problems, constipation, stomach discomfort, throat cancer, tightness in the corresponding area.
What I love about Reonnective Healing is that the Chakra Balancing is part of the session when necessary … not only these 7 but also some of the ones that are outside the body.
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I concluded this from the areas my hands had to go durin g the session. Reconnective Healing is without any technique … somehow I , or better my hands know where to go and what to do, it is fascinating.
The sessions are different for every client. Balanced Chakras are essential for perfect health.
A technique in energy healing (also Reiki) means, that things are done in a specific order … place hands first here and then there, sweep in a specific direction, visualizing things, and so on. Techniques are for healing in the 3rd dimension.
Reconnective Healing helps us to connect to the 4th and 5th and most likely even more dimensions.
Anna Christine