Reflexology Helped a 4 Year Old with Constipation

I have a very long testimonial of the mother from a 4 year old little girl (Nanaimo) that she had written after her daughter had received only one Reflexology session. Before the session the girl had only every 5 – 9 days a bowel movement.

She wrote: ” Finally … we brought A. to Anna Christine. She spent about 20 minutes doing Reflexology with A. and showed me what points to massage. A. had a bowel movement the next day, and the next day, and in fact every night for about 2 months…. all of a sudden we had a different child. She was happy all the time…. Reflexology, although just that one session , had such an impact on our lives. After 4 years we finally have a happy, content little girl, we always prayed was in there somewhere.”

Reflexology is such an effective modality to help children, but also adults, with constipation problems.

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Anna Christine
PS.: I can only recommend to everybody who has problems with constipation to see a Reflexologist. Dr. Bernard Jensen said “death starts in the colon” – because of the putrified fecal matter.

Findings of Study ‘Why Seniors Fall’

October 18, 2012  The Nanaimo Daily News wrote about a study which wanted to find the reason why seniors fall.

A critical factor is that older seniors often tend to move forward beyond their center of balance. What can be done? See further down.

This is very true, observing my grandmother, older clients and also older people that walk around, especially with walkers. They always have the tendency to lean forward which is also very bad for their back.

In one senior home I noticed that I sometimes got stuck with the tip of my shoe because the carpets were too lush, to expensive, with too long fibers … Talking to my client  about this I got told “Oh yes, they call it in the hospital the —— syndrome.

To reduce the possibility of falling one has to start earlier in life. The leg muscles have to be strengthened, especially the thighs. I did for 5 years TaiChi and we often focused on the importance of the Core – our center of balance.

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Whoever has problems to get out of a lower sofa or chair needs to strengthen the leg muscles. When we are old we just don’t have the will and desire anymore.

More about this issue the next time.

Anna Christine

My Toes are Always Numb – Will Reflexology Help?

From time to time I wonder whether the toes of a client who came only once are already amputated. He came years ago to my Nanaimo office because a concerned neighbour had paid for his Reflexology session. He did not seem to believe in  Reflexology.

He said his toes were always cold and numb and the skin under his toes was very pale. The nerve damage was caused by Diabetes II

Sometimes it is really difficult for an alternative practitioner to accept that people do not want to do the right thing for their wellbeing.

I am looking at research about Diabetes II and Reflexology. 158 people received around thirty Reflexology sessions and

The results were
for 67 patients significantly effective (symptom free)
for 91 patients effective (symptoms reduced)
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Reflexology alone is of course not enough, the patients have to change their lifestyle and their eating habits bcause otherwise they will have sooner or later the same problems.

Why are  doctors not pointing out that Reflexology might be beneficial for them? Around 90% of numb toes are the result of Diabetes.

Are the Russians so much smarter? Only a doctor can practice in that country Reflexology.

Please contact me when you are interested in the research . When enough people call I’ll have a little information evening.

Anna Christine

Athlete’s Foot – What is the Cause?

During my workshop “Signs the Body is Giving Us” I talk about Athlete’s Foot, Corns, Excema, Plantat Warts, Heel Spurs, Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis and other skin conditions … why we have them and what can be done.

One of the reasons of Athlete’s Foot can be stress. A friend who is familiar with this topic told me “every time I am stressed I have a fungus between the little toes and the next one.

Athlete’s Foot is a fungus. It can only get hold of the body when the Chi in our meridians is not flowing properly. The meridian that is affected by stress is ending in that area.

This is the reason that I, as a certified Reflexologist, know that Iwill never get skinproblems my clients have as long as I am healthy.
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I only desinfect my hands after a client with a skincondition to make sure the next one is safe and not because I am afraid to get the fungus.

Actually this is workshop in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island is always good attended.

Anna Christine

Multiple Sclerosis – Holistic Approach

Preparing for a talk about the dangers of GMO on CHLY Radio 101.7, Nanaimo, I found on Dr. Mercola’s website how the wife of Mitt Romney, Ann, turned 1098 the progression of her MS around.

She credits the turn around in her health to eating only organic food, Reflexology sessions, and Acupuncture sessions. In Acupressure the same meridians are used.

This is a perfect combination. Since quite a while I believe that MS may be caused by a variety of things.

  • Toxins in our food, personal care products, and our environment.
  • Accidents that have an effect on the meridians that affect the brain.
  • Stress which also affects one of the meridians that transverses several times the scalp/brain.
  • Talking forever on portable or cell phones, beause after 8 min the blood brain barrier opens and all the toxins in the blood can get in.

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Regarding naming  diseases. One takes similar health problems and gives them a/one name.

  • Ann Romney reduced the intake of toxins that are in the food.
  • The Acupuncturist balanced all her meridians and the Chi-flow and reduced by this also stress. 
  • The Reflexologist applied specific pressure techniques on the feet and perhaps the ears and activated/balanced the nervous system, cell-to-cell comunication, the lymph flow, the Chi-flow, and the blood flow. Reflexology is an amazing holistic modality for healing.

This approach enables the body to heal itself.

Anna Christine