What is an Open Aura?

All  living things radiate energy.  Humans, animals, and plants are surrounded by an energy field. Around humans it is called aura. Around a human it radiates out up to several feet and is shaped like an egg.  The more vitality the person has, the larger is the aura.

Some can see the aura from others and also their own.  A friend of mine was once lying relaxed on the sofa and could see the aura around her feet. One has to defocus the eyes to be able to see it.  The colour of the aura is dependig of our emotions and changes constantly.

Since over a year  I am very concerned that  every other client has an open aura.. This means  the aura has no limitation. The energy of the person just dissipates. This is a warning sign of the body nobody is aware of. The person is just tired, sometimes very fatigued, long Covid.

In the next Blog posts I’ll write more about an open aura  and  how Reconnective Healing  sessions are helpful – also Distant Reconnective Healing.

Anna Christine Doehring, THFP, RCP


Open Aura – Low Energy

An open aura indicates a very low level of our energy, our life force – the life essence we are born with. Usually a person has an  open aura only  before  death.. I  do not know how long before death it starts. It concerns me a lot  that more and more clients have an open aura since about the beginning of 2022…

In an interview of a medical doctor, with a metaphysical orientation, I heard that she noticed the upper part of the aura (from the waist up) is dead. She called it a dead zone. Obviously she notices the same  problem as I do.

Closing the aura and raising the body’s life force (energy) is happening during a Reconnective Healing session. After the session the aura is not open anymore.

An open aura is a serious warning sign of the body. The problem is that the person is only feeling tired.  and has no knowledge  about this.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP




How to Relieve Hip Pain

Actually it is easy to relieve hip pain. It is a warning sign of your body. When you noticee the first little pain in your hip during the night turn  around and sleep on your back. I practice this every night despite the fact it is much cosier to sleep on the side.

Yes, I know many believe  to be unable to sleep on their back. .. but it has to be done. Every time your hip hurts during the night turn around and sleep on your back. One of my clients who followed this simple advice was quite surprised that it had relieved her hip pain.

During the day make sure to never cross your legs when you sit.When you stand, waiting at the bank or in a store, always  have your weight equally on both your legs.  This will relieve hip pain too.

I wonder how many hip replacements could be avoided when people would apply these simple changes.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Prctitioner™

Why are so Many Overweight?

Forty years ago only a few were overweight in North America. Why has this changed?

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Already 1936 the United States government  was informed  that fruits, vegetables and grains did not contain enough of certain minerals. No matter how much one would eat,  our food was starving us already then.  Sixtyfive years  later and more mass production the  nutritional value of our food has worsened.
The body needs  16 essential minerals  and 12 trace minerals  to be able to absorb the vitamins.
Our sheep got a salt-lick-stone. That stone was brown because of the minerals it contained.
Unfortunately our body is not able to tell us which minerals it needs. We are just hungry, eat too much and the body hopes it gets what it needs, but it does not . This is one of the reasons  so many are overweight.
Did you never wonder wgy the USDA recommends five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables – experts say ten.
In the past many had gardens and wood stoves. The  wood ash was spread in the garden and gave the plants the needed minerals.
Now we have electrical heat and we need supplements to stay healthy..
Here is my own proof: years ago I was always eating the whole chocolate bar, I just could not stop.  Nowadays, taking regularly supplements one little piece is enough.
Being overweight is a serious warning sign of the body.
Anna Christine Doehringg, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

Enlarged Prostate – Benefits or Reflexology

Reflexology is one of the many holistic healing arts. Every part of the body is benefiting from it.   I am often amazed how few people know about the many benefits of Reflexology. During a recent conversation with one of my clients  in my Nanaimo home-office I mentioned by incident how beneficial Reflexology is for Prostate problems.

Eunice D. Ingham, ‘Stories the Feet Have Told thru Reflexology’,  page 40 ...”I recall one extreme case brought to my office not long ago. Mr. T was beng called upon to urinate every hour, day and night. This was accompanied by such extreme pain he felt the only relief for him was an operation. Before his first treatment was completed he went into the bathroom and returned with tear in his eyes, saying: “you have really done something for me. It doesn’t seem possible, but for the first time in three months I have urinated without pain and was able to eliminate a normal amount instead of only a few drops.” 

I continued to apply this reflex method faithfully, not more than twice a week , and when he returde to his physician for examinationhe was amazed to be told that his enlarged glandhad definetely decreased in size, and without an operation. He continued to improve as the tenderness worked out until he could go to bed and sleep all night

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After reading this book I decided 1995 to become a Reflexologist.

Anna Christine