Medical doctors are often not very familiar with the Meridian system and the emotions associated with them. The are totally surprised when a physical conditions as for example Tinnitus or a spastic finger, improve after a session from an alternative healer.
Here is an example from “Today I want to let you know how grateful I am that I can walk without pain. … my big toe was bent over the next to and had rubbed it so much that both toes were bleeding, were inflamed and I could not walk. The pain was terrible.
The orthopedic doctor told me that the big toe has to be straightened and that can only be done with surgery. … it is like a miracle, the – the bent toe is straight, it doesn’t hurt anymore and I can walk and run like a young girl.”
What had happened? the energy flow (Chi) in the meridian was impeded because of severe emotional stress. In this cse it was anger that affected the liver meridian..
“It is as if all the stress is lifting” is often the first what my clients after a Reconnective Healing® Session say and it doesn’t matter whether that session happens in my home office or is a distant Reconnective Healing® Session.
One year later the toe was still straight. One distant session had happened in the meantime.
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I always chuckle when doctors and/or clients are totally surprised about healings they can’t explain.
Acupuncture or Jin Shin Do® Acupressure might have helped too.
Anna Christine
PS.:this clients life circumstances are still the same but she is not so affectied by them … she is calmer and it does not stress her anymore. so much