Possible causes of Vascular Dementia

Having the gift to detect with my fingertips energy blockages in the brain and other parts of the body … for example after an infection that happened during heart surgery … I wonder whether that could prevent in some cases Vascular Dementia.   because knowing about the blockage of the energy flow one can do something, like going to an Acupncturist or when afraid of needles to an Acupressurist.

One of my clients gave this session the name BRAIN REJUVENATION  because of the way he felt after. All stress had lifted!

An alternative healer using a VEGA-machine believed that energy blockages in the brain might cause later in life a stroke. Therefore she send clients to me to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,  to relieve this blockage. The first man came to me during a health fair. Something heavy had fallen on the left side of his head when he was 12. He had a second session in my office and was surprised how different his head felt after.

I believe that stress and injuries may be the cause of these blockages. More about this in   workshops I’ll give at my home-office

According to the medical field the causes for Vascular Dementia are ” a narrowing or a complete blockage of blood vessels in the brain, which deprives brain cells from nutrients and oxygen they  need to function properly. Vascular dementia often results from several small strokes that occur over time.”
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IN my opinion the root-cause started much earlier than a stroke  – it  started when the stress, the injury, and/or the wrong nutrition happened.

Anna Christine


PS: These energy blockages are in my opinion also the cause of MS/Multiple Sclerosis.

Improved Immune System with Reflexology

Stress Reduction
One of my clients  came at the beginning on a weekly basis; after 10 sessions she came less frequent … first every two weeks, then every month. Sometimes it is every 2  months when she is travelling.

She noticed  her friends often get sick and she doesn’t and she is sure that is because of the monthly Reflexology sessions. I believe she is right because some of the benefits of Reflexology are:

Improved Circulation of Blood, Chi  and Lymph
Better Sleep
Improved Immune System
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Anna Christine
PS: The ringing in her ears also disappeared.


Anger Management with Reconnective Healing®

Reading  in a Naniomo newspaper the headline ‘Calming workshop helps control anger’ I realized that I have to write this blog-post.

Controlling anger is in my opinion suppressing anger and that might be dangerous – sooner or later the person will not be able anymore to control it and desaster might happen.

It is much better to reach a state of being where one is at peace with the world, others and oneself. Then one is able to respond to triggers instead of reacting.

Anger is often caused by a deep fear and Reconnective Healing® balances us on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level – and more.

Reconnective Healing® is in my opinion and according to my experiences the best healing modality to achieve this.  It is amazing when after only one session an agressive  man experiences a peaceful state of being. In general only 3 sessions are needed.
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JinShinDo® Acupressure is also a very beneficial modality to balance meridians that might be responsible for anger outbursts.

Anna Christine
www.energy-all-around.com          >all modalities I practice
www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com  >only about Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®

 PS.: Also effective with distant Reconnective Healing sessions

PTSD – Reconnective Healing® Might Help You

Recently, November/December 2013,  so much is talked in the media about how much veterans are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Four committed suicide.

Every time I hear this I wonder “why are they not using Reconnective Healing to help these veterans. Being calm and more at peace is the first what clients observe? … it must be horrible to live constantly with the guilt of having killed another human being.”

Two years ago 600 doctors attended in Serbia the Reconnective Healing seminar because one intended there to make this part of the medical training.  A while after I heard in the radio that they still have in Serbia  many people who suffer from PTSD and are unable to work. Therefore I believe that was one of the reasons one wanted to enable doctors to help patients with PTSD with Reconnective Healing®.

PTSD can also be caused by accidents and when one of my grandsons would have PTSD I would give them distant Reconnective Healing sessions or pay for sessions from a local practitioner in their area.  
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Dr. Konstantin Korotkov,  a Russian Quantum Physicist, shows in his book ‘Science Confirms Reconnective Healing’ that  Reconnective Healing® is not just about healing from disease, it is also improving and upgrading  performance and  life on all levels – also the brain gets upgraded.

Anna Christine

Reconnective Healing® Improves Brain Function

The rejuvenating frequencies of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® upgrade our brain because they restructure the DNA  of  all body systems,   all tissues, muscles,  the skeletal system, and also the brain. The brain function improves

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®  balance also our mental and emotional state,  Chakras, Aura, Meridians,  and Qi/Prana.

Some of the Benefits of an Upgraded Brain:
Increased calmness  – stress is lifting
— It is easier to be more in the NOW
— Helps to reduce Brain Fog
Improves focus and memory > more clarity
— It is easier to respond instead of reacting
— Our relationships are more loving and understanding
— Increased happiness
— We might get more insight about our purpose in life
— A clearer mind causes better decisions
— The brain seems to function better and better
— More vitality/energy
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It is in my opinion the easiest way to improve our life … especially because one needs most of the time a maximum of three sessions.

Further sessions are advised when something dramatic is happening in our life and we need help to regain balance, peace and joy.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing® is an interesting healing modality for MS and PTSD