What is the 2025 Prediction?

Looking  at the prediction for 2025 from Nostradamus it makes sense what is written in the book  ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting  Your Life’., written by Dr. Eric Pearl & Frederick  Ponzlov.

The only words I remember are on page 80: ”Your life is of great purpose  …. you are part of  a greater plan. It is going to unveil itself in the immidiate future. It is of great urgency… It is  going to be revealed because it is necessry at this time to avoid further catastrophies to come.”

These words were spoken by the spirit Solomon to the Chiropractic doctor Eric Pearl. through one of his pattients.

The more people are  in a state of inner harmony, the less catastrophies will happen. Each one of us has a positive effect when we are filled with optimism and joy.

When we are full of anxiety and fear we<ll have a negative effect on the world around us.. The catastrophies will be more severe.

This is the reason Reconnective Healing is now available for us.

May 2025 be a Good Year for you – filled with positive experience

Anna Christine
PS.: what about stopping to watch the news.



Anxiety – Our Thoughts

Your thoughts have an effect on your emotions – also on your level of anxiety. You can only think one thought at a time. Therefor see that this thought is positive and loving.

When you have negative, sad, anxious, fearful and angry thoughts your outlook becomes dimmed. You might experience anxiety, become depressed and  over time even physically ill.

When you experience anxiety think immediately of something beautiful,  joyful or funny. Remember, you can only think one thought at a time.

A boy friend/girl friend  at the door, a job promotion, or other marvellous news will change your thoughts immidiately. This is probably the reason so many are now watching cat  videos on the internet.

Aren`t your thoughts your own? Inner peace, joy, anxiety, sadness  are your choice.  These thoughts have also an effect on your immune system.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.:  Clients said after a Reconnective Healing Session. I am  so much at peace“. 

Healing from Drug Addiction

Every day around seventeen people die of a drug overdose. More and more  are asking  what can be done  … and …  healing a drug addiction is possible. It is possible – even withut any withrawal symptoms. Medical doctors cannot understand this, but it happens with all kinds of addictions.

Eleven thousand have died of a drug overdose in the first part of the year 2021.. For me this t is especially troublesome to hear  because i know there is help available.

Watching this video you`ll understand why I am so sad so many do not know about this .

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Anna Chriistine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnectio  Certified Practitioner™


Unresolved Family Conflicts

Unresolved family conflicts can be the reason a person has difficulties to pass over, even when they are very sick and want it. In the nineties I had two home support clients were this was the case. At night they were unable to close there eyes because they were afraid not to wake up in the morningg.  I knew about the family conflict.

A few years ago I had a client who came for a Reconnective Healing®  session. She was over 95 and mentioned that she wants to die. I told her it is best to ask God to help.  She had done this but he did not let it happen.  I assumed the unresolved family conflict was the reason.

I had the idea there might be also a family conflict and asked.  She told me one of her children, who lives far away, had not phoned her for over twenty years.  I promised her to give  this child as a present one or two  distant Reconnective Healing® sessions to help to let go of the anger.

And so I did give him two distant healing sessions.  Her family phoned telling that the son had called three days after she had been in my office.  What was even more amazing my client died three days after she had spoken after so many years with her son.

This is one of the many ways distant Reconnective Healing® sessions can help.  I believe very few are aware of the many possibilities we have with this form of healing. Actually it is the Divine energy  which heals and the practitioner is only a cathalyst. This Divine energy is called ‘IT’.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

PS.: Because of the current situation I give only distant energy healing  sessions

More Energy with Distant Healing

As a certified Reconnective Healing®practitioner I am every time surprised how  effective distant healing is to give my clients more energy.  So many have sleep problems, are tired, have anxiety and  brain fog and have no idea how easy it is to get help.

The frequencies of Light and Information that are used in Reconnective Healing® are stronger with distance and therefore this form of distant energy healing is so effective. Try it.

There are many ways to have more energy … like being in nature, drinking enough water, walking barefoot on the lawn, enough sleep, and deep breathing … but there is more we can do. Our modern technologies reduce our  energy, even when we have a healthy lifestyle.

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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™