Having no energy is a warning sign of the body and one needs help. In my last post I wrote about my concern that clients often have no protecting shield around their aura, or it is not totally closed. These people have no energy and need help. One of the reasons might be they have energy suckers (energy vampires) in their life. That can be anybody … a partner, a friend, a colleage.
These energy vampires connect through cords to the chakras 1, 2, and 3 of others.. Through these cords they constantly use the energy of others.. In case I have to jawn during the day, which is unusual for me, I check my chakras to see if cords need to be cut. Most of the time that is the case.
Since about two years I added to my sessions strengthening the aura and cutting cords. I always do it before the Distant (remote) Reconnective Healing® session. So many have no energy and are grateful to get help.
After the cords are cut, the aura is closed the Reconnective Healing® session starts and what needs to be done will be done and it includes strenggthening of the aura. The Divine decides what needs to be done first..
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: Reconnective Healing® is a form of Divine Energy Healing. It is Intelligent Quantum Healing.