How to Calm a Crying Baby?

Often it is very difficult to calm a crying baby.  My daughter who cares for a little foster child was desperate because the  baby was sick and cried nonstop.  She tried everything but was unable to calm the baby down.

During my Christmas  vacation I had no time to give the baby Reconnective Healing sessions. He was often very restless and cried a lot. Only carrying him around calmed him down.

Yesterday  evening I gave him two Reconnective Healing sessions because he was crying. The first one was short. He stopped crying after  less than five minutes. My daughter was surprised. Because he was sick he cried in the evening again I gave him a second Reconnective Healing session.. After a short time he stopped again to cry, but I continued.  His life  history is pretty dramatic. His mother is unable to care for him.  I continued with the energy healing for forty minutes  and my daughter was surprised about all the happy sounds he made during the session. He was  fairly calm during the night and woke only a few times up so that my daughter could sleep more.. Today, during the day he was most of the time happy, played  with his toys  and was from time to time squeaking with joy.

Imagine when mothers would  participate in Reconnective Healing seminars and could help their children.
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Anna Christine Doehring, THFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified  Practitioner™

PS.: and the besst if all … distant Reconnective Healing is also effective

Improved Immune System with Reflexology

Stress Reduction
One of my clients  came at the beginning on a weekly basis; after 10 sessions she came less frequent … first every two weeks, then every month. Sometimes it is every 2  months when she is travelling.

She noticed  her friends often get sick and she doesn’t and she is sure that is because of the monthly Reflexology sessions. I believe she is right because some of the benefits of Reflexology are:

Improved Circulation of Blood, Chi  and Lymph
Better Sleep
Improved Immune System
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Anna Christine
PS: The ringing in her ears also disappeared.


Reconnective Healing® Improves Brain Function

The rejuvenating frequencies of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® upgrade our brain because they restructure the DNA  of  all body systems,   all tissues, muscles,  the skeletal system, and also the brain. The brain function improves

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®  balance also our mental and emotional state,  Chakras, Aura, Meridians,  and Qi/Prana.

Some of the Benefits of an Upgraded Brain:
Increased calmness  – stress is lifting
— It is easier to be more in the NOW
— Helps to reduce Brain Fog
Improves focus and memory > more clarity
— It is easier to respond instead of reacting
— Our relationships are more loving and understanding
— Increased happiness
— We might get more insight about our purpose in life
— A clearer mind causes better decisions
— The brain seems to function better and better
— More vitality/energy
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It is in my opinion the easiest way to improve our life … especially because one needs most of the time a maximum of three sessions.

Further sessions are advised when something dramatic is happening in our life and we need help to regain balance, peace and joy.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing® is an interesting healing modality for MS and PTSD

Dizziness – Vertigo – Headaches: Reconnective Healing®

Last week (August 2013) I heard about several people that experienced dizziness, headaches and vertigo.  Strange things happened also with computers, and electrical appliances.

I wonder whether this is caused by higher energies coming from the sun. High solar flares are expected in September 2013.

When we are unhappy, anxious, in fear, worried, depressed then the vibration of our cells is low and we are more affectied by all frequencies, also  electro magnetic frequencies.

To get through the times to come we have to be calm, centered, full of love for others, peaceful and happy -.our cells need to be on a high vibration.

After Reconnective Healing® sessions most clients are emotional more stable, stress has lifted, they are calmer, they are able to respond instead of reacting, they sleep better.
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This is the reason that Dr. Eric Pearl teaches  Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® 42 weeks of the year. Until now (August 27th. 2013)   80.000 people came to these seminars.

November 2nd, 2013  I have a workshop in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, to explain what Reconnective Healing® is all about and why it is so different from all the other forms of energy healing like Reiki, QiGong, Quantum Touch  and all the ones using techniques. Check for details HERE.

Anna Christine
PS.: Distant Reconnective Healing® Sessions are possible.

Prostate Problems – Getting up Several Times per Night

“Does Reflexology also help my prostate ?” asked a client after perhaps 8 Reflexology sessions. He had come because of hip and knee problems.
“Why do you ask?”

And then he told me how surprised he was to sleep again through the whole night … before he had to get up several times per night. Actually he said “I was more in the bathroom than in bed”.

We all know how much healthier it is to have at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Imagine what it does to your health when you have to get up several times per night. It puts us under stress and is bad for our immune system.

Most people have no idea how beneficial Reflexology is  for the prostate – actually it is for all our health problems beneficial.

Because every part of the body has a reflex area in the feet, that is connected to this part — to the head, the brain, the eyes, the ears, the lungs, the colon, the hip, the lymphatic system the liver, the kidneys, the uterus, the ovaries, the spine, the prostate, the breasts, and so on.

Prostatitis and hyperplasia:
Number of cases: 187
It canadian viagra samples sometimes causes low or poor erection. In short, a lack of blood supply towards order cialis the male reproductive region. Sexual function needs the mind and body of a ordine cialis on line male organ. Lack of workout or physical tasks can easily make viagra free you their next victim. 3. effective:                              66 = 35.29%
significantly effective: 108 = 57.75 %
No effect:                              13 =   6.96 %

Significantly effective: All symptoms and signs disappear completely and the disease does not recur in 3-6 months.
Effective: The symptoms and signs disappeared or basically disappear. After the treatment is ceased for 3-6 months, pt of the symptoms and signs do recurm but in a lesser degree with marked improvement in comparison to that before the treatment.
No effect: After a period of treatments there is no basic improvement of symptoms and signs. The disease recurs within 3 months after the treatment stopped.

From: Medical Applications of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Safety, Efficacy, Mechanism and Action and Cost-Effectiveness of Reflexology, by Kevin and Barbara Kunz.

Anna Christine