What is the 2025 Prediction?

Looking  at the prediction for 2025 from Nostradamus it makes sense what is written in the book  ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting  Your Life’., written by Dr. Eric Pearl & Frederick  Ponzlov.

The only words I remember are on page 80: ”Your life is of great purpose  …. you are part of  a greater plan. It is going to unveil itself in the immidiate future. It is of great urgency… It is  going to be revealed because it is necessry at this time to avoid further catastrophies to come.”

These words were spoken by the spirit Solomon to the Chiropractic doctor Eric Pearl. through one of his pattients.

The more people are  in a state of inner harmony, the less catastrophies will happen. Each one of us has a positive effect when we are filled with optimism and joy.

When we are full of anxiety and fear we<ll have a negative effect on the world around us.. The catastrophies will be more severe.

This is the reason Reconnective Healing is now available for us.

May 2025 be a Good Year for you – filled with positive experience

Anna Christine
PS.: what about stopping to watch the news.



Help: Negative Energy at Home

Several months ago I had a client who was very much affected by the  negative energy in her house, – especially in one room, where a person had died.. She was looking for help and mentioned somebody in Europe whom she once had asked to help  her to remove negative energies in another house.

I promised to help her. I had only experience with removing dark, scary energies from the rooms of my grandchildren.

When my client came the next time I asked her if the energy in her house was now better. She was so excited about the improvement that she said I should offer this on my website.

My focus is Reconnective Healing® and therefore I have not done it yet. This  post is the first to let people know I am able to do this. It seems more  people sense negative energies in their houses  now  –  especially children are scared.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™