Constipation – Is There Help?

Reflexology can help constipated adults, also babies and children. Here is the amazing testimonial from one of my clients who is 95 years old. Unfortunately she lives in Victoria, 1 1/2 hours away from me.  I see her seldom. Last time during the Reflexology session I focussed on the large intestine reflex area. Here is what she experienced:

“My bowels emptied itself frequently and thoroughly for two days. The day you gave me the session from 10.30 – 11.30 am I had 5 bowel movements. The quantity was moderate each time. Instead of hard it was moist. The next day I had to go  to the bathroom nearly every two hours.”

I had driven to Victoria because she worried about her  Kidneys which are affected by the toxins in our body. Regular bowel movements are helping our kidneys.

Constipation is very dangerous … Dr. Bernard Jensen once said that death starts in the colon. Constipation causes the putrefacation  of the stool which stays in the colon, toxins are forming. Over time these toxins get into the body and cause all kinds of problems which people don’t relate to their constipation issues.

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I truly recommend to get , when constipated, about eight Reflexology sessions to help the body to normalize again

Anna Christine

What Causes Heel Spurs?

The answer is in my opinion simple >>> Back pain especially Sciatic problems are causing heel spurs… and yes, when we are overweight we have more likely back problems which causes heel spurs.

As a certified reflexologist in Nanaimo  I know that the sciatic nerve ends at the bottom of the heel.
Reflexology is based on the fact that the feet are like a map of the body and every part of the body has an area in the feet it is connected to.
When the Chi-flow in a certain area of the body is impeded the corresponding area in the feet starts to hurt when pressure is applied. The cause are little calcium deposts at the berve endings. 7.000 nerves  end in the feet.
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Instead of putting cushions in the shoes or opting for surgery it is in my opinion better to go to a certified reflexologist or to another wholistic health practitioner who is certified in . Acupuncture, Acupressure, Body Talk, EFT … there are many other modalities.

Anna Christine

Prostate Problems – What about Prevention?

On  the last CHLY Radio show somebody from a prostate cancer support group called in to say hello because Pam Edgar had not been on the show for nearly two months.. The topic of the show was actually about ADHD and not about prostate problems..

I realised that more people need to know about the benefits of Reflexology. I will have another Reflexology Self-Help Workshop  in January or February in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, with the focus on prostate, eyes, and ears.

Often the wifes come because the men seem to be too shy. It it is also much nicer when another person does it. One often tenses up when massaging the own feet.

The massage techniques help the body to heal itself by stimulating:

  • the blood flow
  • the lymph flow
  • the Chi-flow
  • nervous system

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When the energy (Chi) flow is impeded the reflex area that is connected with the prostate is hurting … this is an indication that one should massage it.

Prevention is always the best for all our health problems.

Anna Christine

My Child/Baby is Constipated – The Answer is Reflexology

The constipation of their babies and children seems to be a huge problem for many parents. and … most of them do not know that Reflexology may help most of the time.

It is so very important for a child to have every day at least two bowelmovements. When the parents neglect this issue their child will tend to be constipated for the rest of its life and this has health consequences.  

There is on both feet a reflex area for the intestinal tract and by applying specific light pressure to these areas the peristaltic of the large intestines is stimulated and the child will have again bowelmovements.  The application of finger pressure  to the feet has to be repeated many times therefore I teach the parents how to do it.

I strongly recommend to see a certified Reflexologist so that the child/baby gets help and has a normally functioning colon .

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Drinking water and enough exercise is a must to have a well functioning colon.
Anna Christine


Benefits of Reflexology – Research – Reflexology Workshop in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island

I have at my office the  1996 China Reflexology Symposium Report from Dr. Wang Liang of China (Kevin and Barbara Kunz).
He notes findings from 8,096 case studies using reflexology applied to 63 health concerns ranging from anemia and angina pectoris to urinary infection and vertigo. The rate of effectiveness varies.

The “significantly effective” rate is 49% with “all symptoms and signs disappear completely and the disease does not recur in 3-6 months.”

The “effective” rate of 45% with “The symptoms and signs disappeared or basically disappear.” At 3-6 months some symptoms and signs recur “but in a lesser degree with marked improvement before the treatment.”

The “no effect” rate varies from 0 – 17.35 %

17.35% for Neural Tinnitus

Kunz, Barbara and Kevin, Medical Application of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Safety, Efficacy, Mechanism of Action and Cost-Effectiveness of Reflexology , RRP Press, 1999,
Drugs like sildenafil tablets have also shown positive results in curbing this problem. Contrary to this, special tools female viagra uk such as cold and heat packs, crutches, clamps, walking belts, prostheses, compression belts, computer stimulation, laser, and ultrasound are used for treating erectile dysfunction. On the off chance that there is no viagra for cheap prices apprehension in using general medicines. Using massage techniques for acute prostatitis viagra cialis generic can be accompanied by renal colic.
Therefore I offer at my office from time to time

In these hands-on Reflexology Workshop you will learn how one has to move the thumb to have an effect on the foot. We may practice a few basic self-help techniques on each others hands or feet to help you and your family.
Intended focus onconstipation, eyes, ears and prostate.
Focus mighy change according you your needs.
Questions and Answers.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
certified Reflexologist and Reconnection Certified Practitioner