Brain Rejuvenation

“Call it BRAIN REJUVENATION” said my client  when I asked him how to call this special ‘Gift’ I have to detect and release energy-blockages in the head and anywhere in the body.

This Spiritual ‘Gift’ of me seems to be  hands on Reconnective Healing®. I wanted to know whether this is right.

Therefore I tested it at several clients. When my fingertips started to move quickly on their scalp I stopped and gave a hands off Reconnective Healing® session. After I had finished I tested the clients scalp again with my fingertips. The result was that my fingertips did not move anymore. The Chi-flow got obviously re-balanced.-

Reconnective Healing® restores balance on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is recognized and supported by science. It upgrades our brain. Better memory, brain fog gone.

Four years after a car accident I had a MRI. The technician was very surprised about the balanced state of my brain and asked me twice “how old are you?” … He  said most brains look very scratchy.
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Anna Christine

PS.: A huge benefit of Reconnective Healing is that it can be done as distant healing

Acupressure/Acupuncture – What is a Meridian?

Meridians are energy channels through which the Chi flows within the body.  They exist in corresponding pairs on each side of the body. There is also a central channel at the midline of the body. On these meridians are the acupuncture points used in Acupuncture and Acupressure.

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When the energy flow in the meridian is impeded these points hurt when pressure is applied.  When the Chi-flow is impeded for a long time then health problems will occur.
On the website one gets an impression about the length of for example the gallbladder meridian.
This Meridian is affected by stress. What concerns me also is that any injury to the legs might impede the Chi-flow in this meridian which could affect the head..
Since the Gallbladder meridian goes along the neck it is also affected by car accidents that resulted in a whiplash and/or a concussion.
My advice to everybody who had an accident is to get Acupuncture or Acupressure sessions or other alternative health modalities… to re-balance the Chi flow to avoid later health problems …  like for example a stroke.. .Reconnective Healing® id also balancing Meridians.
On the page is a testimonial from a person with MS about hands-on Reconnective Healing. This person had many years ago a motorcycle accident that had damaged the knee and resulted later in MS.
We have to take accidents seriously … even when everything seems to be ok after a while.
Anna Christine

Dangers of Concussions – What to do

Recently I talked with a young soccer player who had already three concussions. I was very concerned. My advice was to stop with soccer because of the effects she might experience later in life … as impaired  cognitive and motor functions.

Neurodegenerative . defects after retiring have been also found in football players.

This does not mean other sports are safe. It only means that the research was done so far with football players. A concussion is a concussion – it does not matter how it happened.

Not to mention the danger of strokes. One of my instructors Dr. Mary Lynch said during one of her seminars: “in 40% of all strokes one cannot find a reason for it” … this means in my opinion that there was an area in the brain where the energy-flow was impaired and that caused the stroke. This impairment may happen because of injuries and/or stress.

With the “gift” I have to detect and release  these energy blockages with my fingertips I can find them – or better my fingertips will find the blocked area

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” …The first concussion puts her at risk for what is called “second impact syndrome,” in which the effects of the second brain injury are more magnified than they would have been had there been no first concussion. And a third Concussionsconcussion, should one occur with the cheerleading, would also have a great effect on the brain and increase her likelihood of having permanent problems….”

When you had a stroke or even several strokes I recommend to see a wholistic health practitioner who is able to remove the imbalances in the brain. Not everybody has the “gift” I have but there are valuable healing modalities as Acupuncture and Reflexology that restore the balance in the brain also.  There are more alternative healing modalities  but I do not know which ones  can really address this specific problem.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing is balancing all body systems

Release of Energy Blockages in the Neck

When I was in Berlin I had a really joyful experience with my ‘Spiritual Gift’ of Healing”. We were at a farm market and my daughter asked me whether I would help a man who was selling flowers. She knew him and he had told her about his excruciating neck pain, that he had made an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor and that he was afraid he might need surgery. Massage had not helped him.

“Of course” I said and we went to him. With my fingertips I moved around on his neck and suddenly they moved very quickly. The guy looked surprised but did not believe at all in this alternative approach – his desperation allowed me to do it.

After a few minutes he suddenly  shouted to his customers  The pain is gone, the pain is gone” (“es tut nicht mehr weh, es tut nicht mehr weh”) … Standing behind him I could not see his face … He was totally surprised and kept telling everybody who walked by about the sudden disappearance of his neck pain.

I was there several months and whenever I saw him I asked “Is your neck still ok?” and his answer was yes – even 3 months later.
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This “Gift ” I have is in my opinion  hands-on Reconnective Healing because no technique is used, no visualization, no giving of any command. … it seems as if the various forms of energies of the Source/the Zero Point Field are just coming through when my fingertips are on the right spot.

Amma Christine

How to Overcome the Root Cause of our Health Problems

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Dr R G Hamer MD was surprised to find out that actually debilitating chronic ‘diseases’ could be caused by emotional trauma (like the sudden death of a family member or other losses), the inability to forgive (anger),  acute emotional conflicts,  constant subconscious fear, and others. He called his treatment “German New Medicine”.

I had to think of an American MD who asked his new cancer patients “what do you think caused your cancer?” and depending of their reaction he continued having them as patients.

It is often difficult to find the true subconscious root cause. Imagine – 95% of our brain activity happens subconsciously. Beside  the ‘German New Medicine” one can also chose Reconnective Healing® – It brings us back to an optimal state of balance – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and on a physical level.

It balances of course also  Chakras,  meridians, and the whole Chi-flow.

For more information or to find a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™ & Reconnection Certified Practitioner™ in your area , when you do not like distant Reconnective Healing sessions,  go to Dr. Eric Pearl’s website 

Anna Christine