Distance Energy Healing

All energy therapies …  all distance energy healing … also called distant or remote energy healing has value because our body consists to 99% of energy and only to 1 % of physical matter. An older term is absent healing. Reconnective Healing® can also be done as distant Reconnective Healing®.  This is very helpful because there are not so many Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioners™ around.

AND the core root cause of our problems is mostly emotional, spiritual, mental and ancestral/genetic memory. Ancestral/genetic memory  means that trauma from our ancestors is passed on to us s cell-memory.

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Anna Christine



More and more people are experiencing fear, anxiety, panic attacks, headaches,  sleep problems, and the inability to focus.  I am so very grateful to be able to help with distant healing . Since 2007 I am a certified Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™..  This fairly new and effective modality can be done as distant healing.

Part of a testimonial from April 2018: ”I feel less fear. I can address complicated situations, pick up the phone for unpleasant calls and feel much more comfortable talking about sensitive subjects like money or discomfort. ….In the last months I noticed I got more clarity in my thinking.”

The cause of these and many other health problems are the Electro-Magnetic-Frequencies emitted by all of our ‘smart’ devices (WiFi), for example  portable phones, IPhones, routers and Smart-Meters.

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Be careful. This will get worse.

Anna Christine

Emotional Instability – Causes

Emotional Instability – Causes
Try Reconnective Healing® or Distant Reconnective Healing®

Did you notice that more and more people are behaving irrational – nearly aggressive?

These high frequencies have a strong effect on our emotions. NASA  reported already years ago an incoming  energy wave from the Universe is becoming stronger and stronger. Some  say this is happening to raise our consciousness.. Therefore people become more irritable, more aggressive, easier offended, are longer sick and their mental and emotional instability affects also their driving.
Reconnective Healing and also Distant Reconnective Healing are helping us to regain emotional and mental  balance. Only three sessions are usually enough. During very  challenging life circumstance one might need five sessions.
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On www.thereconncetion.com is a directory where you can find a practitioner close to you. When there is nobody in your area  … Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are as effective … and … you save gasoline and time. After the session you can stay on your sofa..

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP

Being a Parent with PTSD – Reconnective Healing®

Being a Parent with PTSD – Reconnective Healing®

Frequently parents experience PTSD after overwhelming experiences with their sick children in hospital – especially in the ER. This experience gets triggered again and again when they have to go to the same place again.

When I hear a parent talking about this on the radio (CBC) my tears come up thinking “when they only would know about Reconnective Healing®  …and this can even help parents in rural areas because it can done as distance Reconnective Healing® (which is more encompassing than  distant energy healaing).”

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Anna Christine, RHFP, RCP

Hip Pain at Night

When you have hip pain at night you want and you need to get rid of it. It is of no use to know about the causes which are actually symptoms, like
sciatic-piriformis syndrome

What is causing these symptoms? It is the impeded chi/Energy flow in one of the meridians that go through the hip. There are:

  1. What you have to do immediately is to  stop sleeping on that side where the hip hurts. Best is to sleep ALWAYS laying on your back … or on the other side.
  2. Second, any time you are standing make sure to ALWAYS stand equally on both legs.
  3. I would go to an alternative health Practitioner … Acupuncture, Acupressure, or Reconnective Healing®.

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Actually I started about 5 years ago sleeping mostly on my back and the hip pain went away. I told this an attendeat of  one of my workshops and she told me later her hip pain also disappeared.

Hope this helps you!!!

Anna Christine
PS.: Reconnective Healing is as distant healing as effective as done in person