Are Doctors Interested in Reconnective Healing®?

Dr. Eric Pearl  told on the Dr. Oz Show that actually a lot of doctors, nurses, and other health practitioners are interested in Reconnective Healing®.

Some nurses are from the ER unit and find Reconnective Healing® very helpful.

Doctors and Nurses learned Reconnective Healing in the largest hospital for sich children in Tel Aviv. The children participated too.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in Russia wrote a book ‘Science Confirms Reconnective Healing’ that is based on the his research done with doctors and pre-olympic athletes.

On one of my CDs a doctor for Anestisia from Germany talks about the amazement of collegues, nurses and a patient when she applied Reconnective Healing® . She had attended a seminar. None of the medical approaches could help this patient.

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More than 70.000 people attended seminars until now, September 2013, and  around 15% were  from the medical field – doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists  and others.

Reconnective Healing encompsses all forms of energy healing we had until now and more. The more are the frequencies of Light and Information which are faster than anything mesured before. Therefore they are rejuvenating nd reorgnize/balance all body systems.

Anna Christine

Dizziness – Vertigo – Headaches: Reconnective Healing®

Last week (August 2013) I heard about several people that experienced dizziness, headaches and vertigo.  Strange things happened also with computers, and electrical appliances.

I wonder whether this is caused by higher energies coming from the sun. High solar flares are expected in September 2013.

When we are unhappy, anxious, in fear, worried, depressed then the vibration of our cells is low and we are more affectied by all frequencies, also  electro magnetic frequencies.

To get through the times to come we have to be calm, centered, full of love for others, peaceful and happy -.our cells need to be on a high vibration.

After Reconnective Healing® sessions most clients are emotional more stable, stress has lifted, they are calmer, they are able to respond instead of reacting, they sleep better.
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This is the reason that Dr. Eric Pearl teaches  Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® 42 weeks of the year. Until now (August 27th. 2013)   80.000 people came to these seminars.

November 2nd, 2013  I have a workshop in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, to explain what Reconnective Healing® is all about and why it is so different from all the other forms of energy healing like Reiki, QiGong, Quantum Touch  and all the ones using techniques. Check for details HERE.

Anna Christine
PS.: Distant Reconnective Healing® Sessions are possible.

Why is Reconnective Healing® of such a Geat Help?

THE FOLLOWING IS THE REASON Why I give the Reconnective Healing® workshops … PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW:
From the book ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life’, Dr. Eric Pearl, Frederick Ponzlov, page 80

you (Eric Pearl) are part of a greater plan. It is going to unveil itself in the immediate future. It is of great urgency.
Do not fear the power. It is a source of greatness. It is here for ages and always will be. It is being revealed because it is necessary at this time to avoid further catastrophes to come.”
All you need to know about Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
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Thursday    Aug. 22nd . 7–9 pm               
Admission:   by donation
Location:      at my home office Nanaimo, Vamcouver Island 

Anna Christine

What an Impeded Energy (Chi) Flow Can Cause

Medical doctors are often not very familiar with the Meridian system and the emotions associated with them. The are totally surprised when a physical conditions as for example Tinnitus or a spastic finger, improve after a session from an alternative healer.

Here is an example from “Today I want to let you know how grateful I am that I can walk without pain. …  my big toe was bent over the next to and had rubbed it so much that both toes were bleeding, were inflamed and I could not walk. The pain was terrible.
The orthopedic doctor told me that the big toe has to be straightened and that can only be done with surgery.  … it is like a miracle, the  – the bent toe is straight, it doesn’t hurt anymore and I can walk and run like a young girl.”

What had happened? the  energy flow (Chi) in the meridian was impeded because of severe emotional stress. In this cse it was anger that affected the liver meridian..

“It is as if all the stress is lifting” is often the first  what my clients after a Reconnective Healing® Session say and it doesn’t matter whether that session happens in my home office or is a distant Reconnective  Healing® Session.

One year later the toe was still straight. One distant session had happened in the meantime.
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I always chuckle when doctors and/or clients are totally surprised about healings they can’t explain.

Acupuncture or Jin Shin Do® Acupressure might have helped too.

Anna Christine
PS.:this clients life circumstances are still the same but she is not so affectied by them … she is calmer and it does not stress her anymore. so much

Brain Damage in Children – Is There Help?

All parents of children with brain damage, Cerebral Palsy, should know about the movie The Living Matrix.

In the following interview Dr. Eric Pearl tells how a five year old greek boy with Cerebral Palsy recovered after a short Reconnective Healing® Session

Currently, May 2013, there is a lot of talk in the radio about the 12 year old son Eric from Monica Cojacaru. During birth Eric was starved of oxygen and was born with brain damage in 2001.

The family launched a lawsuit against B.C. Women’s hospital and its staff. The  B.C. Supreme Court Justice Joel Groves found the hospital negligent and awarded Cojacaru $5 million to help pay for physiotherapy, speech and language therapies, private education and home care for Eric.

I doan’t know whether the 12 year old Eric has Cerebral Palsy which can be the result from  a recognized brain injury, such as infection (like meningitis), bleeding into the brain, and damage caused by lack of oxygen.

I am now wondering whether the mother knows about Reconnective Healing® , whether she will be lucky enough to talk to somebody who knows, whether she will look at the computer and find this interview  … It breaks my heart to know that there is a child which most likely can be helped with Reconnective Healing®, and that there exists a movie  with the proof.

The assay can free viagra pill be effective in diagnosing the patients with fixation and numerous different issue. The high density lipoprotein (HDL) is good for health as it sends peripheral tissue lipoprotein cialis price to liver and diminishes cholesterol. The reasons for dysfunctional behavior are muddled. cialis soft canada If commander levitra the abnormality is reversible, then doctors try their level best to resolve the issue. Yes, every person is differrent one never knows 100% what will happen, but when anybody in my family would have an injury resulting in brain damage or any other health problem I would  always send them to a Reconnective Healaing Practitioner. Yes, I could do it of course too, but might have a to strong attachment to the outcome.

All parents of children or family members with brain damage have to look in my opinion at Reconnective Healing®. They have to read about it and do some research. to  make an educated decision.

On the websites below is a lot of information or go to  Dr. Eric Pearl’s website

Anna Christine

PS.: for the ones in Nanaimo. From time to time I show The Living Matrix at my home office. I have also one copy for sale.