The Protecting Power of Joy-Love-Peace

Accidents can always happen to us. The world is full of dangers. Is there anything that might protect us?
In old Gnostic texts it is written that being in a state of Peace will keep us safe. Dr. David Hawkins found with Kinesiology out that Love, Joy and Peace are the emotions with the highest vibration. He writes about this in his book “Power versus Force”

July 10th, 2017 I listened to an interview on the CBC which proved how the emotion of JOY can protect us. The very joyful natured father of the bride was hit by lightening during his wedding speech. Listen to the interview HERE  The guy is laughing a lot during the interview and seems to be a very happy man – AND THIS IS in my opinion THE REASON HE WAS NOT HARMED. Even his knee pain disappeared.
Dannion Brinkley who was hit by lightening when on the phone had a very different experience. He was at that time a very proud and angry man and on a very low vibrational level. He had a near death experience and it took a long time until he regained health. He is now very different – a very caring man. Here is his story:

By being in a state of Love, Joy and Peace we are protected. It is the vibratory level of our cells that is protecting us.

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PS.: Most clients say after a Reconnective Healing session that they are so much at peace … also after distant Reconnective healing sessions.


How to get Clarity about a Life Situation

Reconnective Healing® is  the most effective modality to gain clarity about life and it helps the fastest to know what to do in difficult life situations – like possible divorce. whether to leave a friend or not,  or problems at the job

From the four healing modalities I studied and practice it is my first choice  to help my clients to become clear and  know which decision is the right one.

Most of the time only three to five Reconnective Healing® sessions are needed.

It is interesting that more and more clients intuitively want  now Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® … and are very happy with the results and the changes in their life. They are surprised the brainfog is gone, they sleep better, are happy and calm, stress is gone,   have more energy, higher libido and the anxiety is disappearing.

Since there are not so many Reconnecive Healing Foundational Practitioners™ (RHFP) on the planet it is of great benefit to know that distant Reconnective Healing®  Sessions  are as effective as a session done in person.
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Many think that dista nt energy healing is the same as Reconnective Healing but both are very different.

Here is a great video  of Dr. Eric Pearl speaking about Reconnective Healing versus Energy Healing Techniques:
The Reconnection® accelerates the positive changes and can only be done by a Reconnection Certified Practitioner™ (RCP). I will write more about this next time.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP



What did I do after my concussion? Why am I symptom free eleven years after a nasty car accident. My car was hit three times and caused a concussion with unconsciousness that resulted in much more than a mild traumatic brain injury.

Putting ‘concussion treatment’ into google I was surprised to see what is recommended to recover.
What a brain needs most is REST and excellent nutrition with life energy.

My approach was very different. There is a reason t As a wholistic health practitioner I chose Reflexology, JinShinDo® Acupressure, and Reconnective Healing® for a reason – they are very effective..

Fortunately I have since 18 years the very special ‘Gift’’ of Healing’ … this means my fingertips detect the areas where the Chi-flow (energy flow) is impeded. They move on that area until balance is re-established. This process took in my case often up to 30 minutes. Luckily I can do this on my own head. I had to do it from time to time.

I also got Reconnective Healing® and Reflexology sessions. Reflexology is helpful because there are on the toes reflex areas for the head.

My accident was one of the reasons I am now a Reconnective Healing Foundationl Practitioner™and a Reconnection Certified Practitioner™.

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For my neck and back pain I had a few CranioSacral and Acupuncture sessions (both by one of my Acupressure teachers), ten massages, and for a while Chiropractic sessions.

When you had a concussion then I can only recommend that you try Reflexology and Reconnective Healing. When you live on Vacouver Island you can also come for the Brain Rejuvenation session.

Good luck with getting better,
Anna Christine

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Energy All Around Therapies
250-756-2235 (PST)

Reconnective Healing® – Testimonial

Anger – Hip Pain – Relationship Improvement
Reconnective Healing® Testimonial
Received: Thursday, January 24, 2008, 10:23 AM

Hi Anna Christine,
C. is very grateful for the information you gave at coffee time. Some things certainly resonated with him. He asked me to contact you and tell you “thank you”.

And thank you for my treatment. I can honestly say most of the anger I was feeling towards C. has dissipated. It has been very nice being together since I came back from visiting my sister in Surrey for a few days. A change in oneself creates a change in others because of the energy given off. We know that, but easier said than done. Anyway, he said he did a lot of reflecting and decided he wanted to make our relationship work–bricks and mortar (our new home) meant nothing to him without me.

I have also not needed any chiropractic treatment for my hip since my treatment. Perhaps that’s what that tingling in my legs was all about. I had experienced that again once at home that evening. I also experienced states of euphoria from time to time. But I am always blessing everything and everybody every day too. I think that really helps. I say “I Bless this day in the name of Sugmad (sanskrit for God), etc.
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Thanks again from both of us.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, CRP
Vancouver Island

PS.: This can also be achieved with distant healing worldwide

Help for Feeling out off Balance

Feeling out of balance could mean experiencing dizziness and unsteadiness when standing or walking – it can also mean feeling emotionally and mentally unbalanced …  experiencing brain fog, anxiety, confusion and even panic attacks.

Reconnective Healing®   is balancing us on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level …  also balancing  Chi/Energy in the Meridians  and,  Chakras .

Many still believe that to balance Chakras one needs a special Chakra-Balancing Session and to balance the meridians one has to go to an Acupuncturist or Acupressurist. That was necessary before Reconnective Healing®.

What I can  accomplish with JinShinDo®Acupressure can also be done with Reconnective Healing® . The benefit is … these sessions can be done worldwide with Distance Reconnective Healing sessions.
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Only The Personal Reconnection® needs to  be done in person.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™