Emotional Instability – Causes
Try Reconnective Healing® or Distant Reconnective Healing®
Did you notice that more and more people are behaving irrational – nearly aggressive?
These high frequencies have a strong effect on our emotions. NASA reported already years ago an incoming energy wave from the Universe is becoming stronger and stronger. Some say this is happening to raise our consciousness.. Therefore people become more irritable, more aggressive, easier offended, are longer sick and their mental and emotional instability affects also their driving.
Reconnective Healing and also Distant Reconnective Healing are helping us to regain emotional and mental balance. Only three sessions are usually enough. During very challenging life circumstance one might need five sessions.
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On www.thereconncetion.com is a directory where you can find a practitioner close to you. When there is nobody in your area … Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are as effective … and … you save gasoline and time. After the session you can stay on your sofa..
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP