All living things radiate energy. Humans, animals, and plants are surrounded by an energy field. Around humans it is called aura. Around a human it radiates out up to several feet and is shaped like an egg. The more vitality the person has, the larger is the aura.
Some can see the aura from others and also their own. A friend of mine was once lying relaxed on the sofa and could see the aura around her feet. One has to defocus the eyes to be able to see it. The colour of the aura is dependig of our emotions and changes constantly.
Since over a year I am very concerned that every other client has an open aura.. This means the aura has no limitation. The energy of the person just dissipates. This is a warning sign of the body nobody is aware of. The person is just tired, sometimes very fatigued, long Covid.
In the next Blog posts I’ll write more about an open aura and how Reconnective Healing sessions are helpful – also Distant Reconnective Healing.
Anna Christine Doehring, THFP, RCP