Prostate Problems – What to do?

Any time I hear in the radio something about prostate problems I have to think about Arnold.

He came for Reflexology sessions because he had  hip pain. After about eight sessions he asked me if Reflexology also helps with Prostate problems.

My question was then”how often do you have to go to the bathroom during the night?”

His answer ” I was more in the bathroom than in bed but now I sleep through the night” – We laughed and I told him that Reflexology stimulates and balances the energy/Chi/blood flow also in the of the prostate and that helps the body to heal. This is the reason he can sleep again through the night

Here is his testimonial:
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Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“Not only that I can hear the turning signal of my car again and the hip pain is gone… what surprises me the most… I can now sleep through the night… before I was more in the bathroom than in bed. Up seven times a night.~ Arnold A., Nanaimo

When you still have doubts about Reconnective Healing  in which I believe the most then get Reflexology sessions to help your prostate.

Anna Christine

How to Prevent Knee Problems in Old Age

We take the well functioning of our body often for too long for granted.  When we want to be fit and strong when old we have to start early.

When you have stairs in your house use them as often as possible. When anywhere  are stairs with 60-100  steps – use them 3 times per week.

Otherwise sit on a chair and get 15 times up without holding on to the table. You can also do 15 squats daily. My 85 year old uncle had told me that this was the recommended number from a fitness trainer.

People realise often too late that their weak knees are causing major problems. Then the only solution is the specific seated Form of Tai Chi exercises at Unity Nanaimo by Rick Gofric. Tuesdays from either 10:00-11:00 am or 1:00-2:30 pm.

For details call 250-591-0775 on Wednesday from 10:00-12:30 am or Thursday 10:00-5:00 pm. 

When I was in Africa a healer recommended Thi Exercise .

I liked it because it is quite playful and a lot of fun to do. Not like this boring squats where one has to count to 15. It is actually also good against depression  and feeling down.

I am sure that one of these approaches is the right one for you.

Anna Christine

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Pain – Does Energy Healing Help?

So much is  talked in the last weeks  about pain management because so many become addicted to opiates.

As a Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner it is in my opinion the best to go at the first onsets of any discomfort to a holistic health practitioner. There are so many forms of energy healing. Beside Reflexology, Acupressure or Acupuncture we have many other modalities. When pain becomes chronic it is often more difficult to get rid off the pain.

Reconnective Healing  is different from all energy healing techniques (old and new) because  beside energy the frequencies of Light and Information are also part of RH.. According to Quantum physicists these are faster than the speed of light.

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Perhaps you have never to say “I want my life back” because you took the right action at the beginning.

Anna Christine

Reconnective Healing® – Testimonial

Anger – Hip Pain – Relationship Improvement
Reconnective Healing® Testimonial
Received: Thursday, January 24, 2008, 10:23 AM

Hi Anna Christine,
C. is very grateful for the information you gave at coffee time. Some things certainly resonated with him. He asked me to contact you and tell you “thank you”.

And thank you for my treatment. I can honestly say most of the anger I was feeling towards C. has dissipated. It has been very nice being together since I came back from visiting my sister in Surrey for a few days. A change in oneself creates a change in others because of the energy given off. We know that, but easier said than done. Anyway, he said he did a lot of reflecting and decided he wanted to make our relationship work–bricks and mortar (our new home) meant nothing to him without me.

I have also not needed any chiropractic treatment for my hip since my treatment. Perhaps that’s what that tingling in my legs was all about. I had experienced that again once at home that evening. I also experienced states of euphoria from time to time. But I am always blessing everything and everybody every day too. I think that really helps. I say “I Bless this day in the name of Sugmad (sanskrit for God), etc.
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Thanks again from both of us.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, CRP
Vancouver Island

PS.: This can also be achieved with distant healing worldwide

Prostate Problems – Getting up Several Times per Night

“Does Reflexology also help my prostate ?” asked a client after perhaps 8 Reflexology sessions. He had come because of hip and knee problems.
“Why do you ask?”

And then he told me how surprised he was to sleep again through the whole night … before he had to get up several times per night. Actually he said “I was more in the bathroom than in bed”.

We all know how much healthier it is to have at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Imagine what it does to your health when you have to get up several times per night. It puts us under stress and is bad for our immune system.

Most people have no idea how beneficial Reflexology is  for the prostate – actually it is for all our health problems beneficial.

Because every part of the body has a reflex area in the feet, that is connected to this part — to the head, the brain, the eyes, the ears, the lungs, the colon, the hip, the lymphatic system the liver, the kidneys, the uterus, the ovaries, the spine, the prostate, the breasts, and so on.

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Number of cases: 187
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significantly effective: 108 = 57.75 %
No effect:                              13 =   6.96 %

Significantly effective: All symptoms and signs disappear completely and the disease does not recur in 3-6 months.
Effective: The symptoms and signs disappeared or basically disappear. After the treatment is ceased for 3-6 months, pt of the symptoms and signs do recurm but in a lesser degree with marked improvement in comparison to that before the treatment.
No effect: After a period of treatments there is no basic improvement of symptoms and signs. The disease recurs within 3 months after the treatment stopped.

From: Medical Applications of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Safety, Efficacy, Mechanism and Action and Cost-Effectiveness of Reflexology, by Kevin and Barbara Kunz.

Anna Christine