As a holistic practitioner it is helpful to know about Chinese Medicine. Why are so many always tired and feel cold. Even healthy looking people have cold hands, also during summer. Nearly everybody seems to be tired, often because they have sleep problems.
After their Reconnective Healing® sessions my clients feel either more energetic or say “I am so much at peace.”. The reason is that the Creator/Universal Consciousness decides what is at the moment most important for that client.
I received 1998 the Spiritual Gift of Healing and out of my hands is coming during Reconnective Healing® sessions energy/biophotons that are entering the body of my client. When the Chi flow gets balanced we experience peace. When the energy/biophotons are entering the Kidneys or the heart we feel more energised. When only everybody would know this. The kidneys are the seat of the Chi/Qi
More information about the effects of a deficiency of Chi you can find Here
It is not only about being always tired and cold … there are many more ways your body complains … this is a very serious issue and the reason is most likely all the wireless technology … also the cell phone in your bedroom.
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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner
PS.: Distant Reconnective Healing® sessions for clients and their pets are as effective as sessions in my office.