Knee and Shoulder Pain – Possible Cause

Lying one night in bed on the side and having on that side a sore hip (probably from an accident I had 7 years ago) which went away when I turned on my back I thought . . . Kind of late I must admit

“How many people need one day a hip or knee replacement because they slept most of their life on the same side the have the joint pain?”

An additional trigger might be a lot of stress or an accident they had in earlier years that affected the side of the body where they have joint problems. The reason is that one of the 12 organ meridians runs along the side of our body from the head to one toe. The one beside the little toe.

The stress is relevant because this meridian is affected by stress.
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Therefore . . . In case you have shoulder, hip or knee pain it is better to get accustomed to sleep on the back. … I know it is difficult.

Anna Christine

Reconnective Healing for Little Dog’s Anxiety

Last week my neighbour’s little dog got injured by a  racoon. Because of several puncture wounds my neighbours went with her to a veterinarian.

I had heard the whimpers when the racoon attacked her, therefore I thought  Reconnective Healing might help her to get over the stress and went to my neighbours.

First the little dog was running a bit around but then, after she had fetched a little bone she was standing in front of me. To the surprise of her owners she started eating that bone. They were so astonished because for the last two weeks the dog had always hidden the bone somewhere, but never eaten it.

Because Reconnective Healing heals us on all levels, – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, – I assume  the dog had anxiety issues and the healing frequencies caused her to relax, trust and let go of her anxiety.
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Anna Christine
PS.: everything new is accepted according to a Bell-Curve … first a few, then suddenly most of us … only a few ‘die-hards’  believe for a long time the earth is flat,  the media are telling us everything and so on .. and it will be the same with Reconnective Healing.

College Football Player Garret Uekman Found Dead

How much has to happen until the parents and trainers wake up and realize the danger of these aggressive sports?  How do they feel about the consequences? 
They have to watch over the young players.

A client  told me during one of these games he had a concussion without being aware of it. For one hour he played after an impact on ‘automatic’. His wife became suspicious when he asked again and again for the time.

We cannot trust that we notice something by observing the teenager at home. Nobody of my circle of friends noticed anything after my accident … only one client said “you are forgetting everything”. That was about one year after the accident.

Thanks to Reconnective Healing my brain is getting sharper and sharper  .. the book ‘UPGRADE’ from Doug de Vito will be published this month. He writes about the science behind the upgrading of the brain with Reconnective Healing. I can hardly wait to read about the research.

Do the parents and trainers  not realize what is happening in the head during a concussion. A concussion is like a whiplash. The brain needs rest after. A longer time, not only for a day. ICBC pays injured  drivers money for a whiplash.
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I would love to check the heads of  a group of hockey, football or rugby players with this modality.

Additional to this it is really upsetting that players who play for the college or university to be able to study there don’t get the money, but they are the ones  who have memory loss, later dementia, parkinson’s and alzheimers. Is the visit of college or university worth that we deteriorate in later years. In Europe one attends university because of good grades … I was surprised to find out what is going on in the States.  Fortunately doctors and researchers have now realized how dangerous these injuries can be.

It would be best an athlete gets at least checked out once a year … either by an acupuncturist of acupressurist or anybody else who can detect energyblockages. MRIs, Catscans and other instruments are unable to do that, they can see tumors, injured tendons, broken bones, blod clots and so on … in short something physical. They cannot ‘see’ energy.

Anna Christine

What Your Toenails are Telling You

Recently I talked with a friend who mentioned she needed to book an appointment with a foot doctor.  I was curious and asked ‘why?’ because she is flexible enough to look after her toenails.

She was worried about a hardening of the skin  beneath  the toenail of the big toe that had gotten worse. It was located more towards the side that is facing the other toes.

Knowing that the Podiatrists rarely know about meridians and that books about footproblems nearly always focus  on shoes that are too tight and never on meridians and their link to emotional problems I told her what it in my opinion had caused this skin problem..

Close to the location of the problem ends the liver-meridian. The liver is in Chinese Medicine associated with anger … and … she had since quite a while something going on that really made her angry.

In such a situation it would probably the best to follow the advice Deepak Chopra always gave Wayne Dyer …”Meditate” .. to find inner peace and calmness.

Another way could be to get a Jin Shin Do Acupressure session. This is a healing modality that adresses our emotions to eliminate the problems associated with them.
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Reconnective Healing is also very helpful because it adresses the root cause,  for example why one person is angry in a specific situation and others not.

Even a regular Reflexology session is very calming and  balances all body functions.

There are many other healing modalities which are helpful, I am just mentioning these because I am familiar with them and know they are effective.

Anna Christine

Concussions from Sport or Accidents

Today I talked at CHLY Radio 101.7 FM about concussions and sport injuries.

Unfortunately the very good video about a brain simulation during headtrauma from is not available anymore. Searching for something else I found this link

On that website it is made clear that athletes needs rest after a concussion.  The site is easy to understand. The text is also available as an audio.

I found HERE under ‘Sports Head Injuries and Long Term Effects – Study’ “… The cumulative damage from successive concussions can increase the risk of premature senility, Alzheimer’s disease , and Parkinson’s disease, neurologists warn. ” 

 I also mentioned a mother who had told me at the Metaphysical Network that her son’s Bipolar Disorder had been linked to a concussion.
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Because of these consequences of concussions I am very concerned about the high level of aggression we have now in some sports, especially in North America. 

 Hope this helps a bit.

Anna Christine