What is the 2025 Prediction?

Looking  at the prediction for 2025 from Nostradamus it makes sense what is written in the book  ‘Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting  Your Life’., written by Dr. Eric Pearl & Frederick  Ponzlov.

The only words I remember are on page 80: ”Your life is of great purpose  …. you are part of  a greater plan. It is going to unveil itself in the immidiate future. It is of great urgency… It is  going to be revealed because it is necessry at this time to avoid further catastrophies to come.”

These words were spoken by the spirit Solomon to the Chiropractic doctor Eric Pearl. through one of his pattients.

The more people are  in a state of inner harmony, the less catastrophies will happen. Each one of us has a positive effect when we are filled with optimism and joy.

When we are full of anxiety and fear we<ll have a negative effect on the world around us.. The catastrophies will be more severe.

This is the reason Reconnective Healing is now available for us.

May 2025 be a Good Year for you – filled with positive experience

Anna Christine
PS.: what about stopping to watch the news.



Rescue Dog Trauma – Help

Humans need help to overcome trauma and animals too –  especially rescue dogs. have often to overcome severe trauma.

Weeks ago I met in a free leash park  a couple with three little rescue dogs. One of them liked to be petted and  kept standing in front of me. His name is Carlos. “Perhaps he wants to be healed” I said to the owners.

I gave Carlos Reconnective Healing.  especially above the center of his body was  a lot to do. His owners told me a larger dog had attacked  and bitten him in the back,

Carlos kept standing very still during the session. After  a while he walked away and I knew his healing was completed..

The couple and I kept talking and they were very excited when Carlos was waggling his tail and was running with the other dogs. Since they had owned him he had never done this.

When only the owners of rescue dogs would know that there might be help to relieve them from their trauma.


Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP


How to Get Better at Soccer

The foster son of my daughter wants to get better at soccer And is practicing a lot.`With success. Now three trainers want to have him in their team. My daughter said he is so good because he can kick the ball with the left and right foot.

Hearing this I said,’this is probably because of the remote (distant) Reconnective Healing sessions I gave him’. I remembered a clients testimonial I had read four days ago preparing for my talk at a Wellness Fair  I had totally forgotten about this, but know that Reconnective Healing helps with our coordination. Clients had noticed to be better at tennis and golf.

This is part of her testimonial:  ”I noticed after your treatment` …What  noticed also is tthat I use my left hand much more. I am right handed.I stir the soup, grab things from the tablewith my left hand, but also paint little corners which I cannot reach with my right hIch hand…”

I sometimes wondered why not athlets and athletic teams are taking advantage of the benefits of Reconnective Healing. Perhaps they do not know about it.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Certified Practitioner
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island


Free Monthly Distant Healing

Anna Christine`s Free Monthly Distant Healing is always on the first Monday of a month and coming soon…

March the 4th  from 9 pm – 10 pm

To experience the highest benefit drink a glass of warm water before and be in a peaceful state – either lying down or sitting.. When thoughts are coming then let them go.. Think instead about something beautiful.
No Cellphone or TV or any smart technology.

This Distant Healing is different from Reconnective  Healing and Reiki. When you want to participate please send a short email to energyallaround@gmail.com

Wishing you all the  best,
AnnA Christine

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Nanaimo, BC
Vancouver Island

Complimentary Distant Healing