Rescue Dog Trauma – Help

Humans need help to overcome trauma and animals too –  especially rescue dogs. have often to overcome severe trauma.

Weeks ago I met in a free leash park  a couple with three little rescue dogs. One of them liked to be petted and  kept standing in front of me. His name is Carlos. “Perhaps he wants to be healed” I said to the owners.

I gave Carlos Reconnective Healing.  especially above the center of his body was  a lot to do. His owners told me a larger dog had attacked  and bitten him in the back,

Carlos kept standing very still during the session. After  a while he walked away and I knew his healing was completed..

The couple and I kept talking and they were very excited when Carlos was waggling his tail and was running with the other dogs. Since they had owned him he had never done this.

When only the owners of rescue dogs would know that there might be help to relieve them from their trauma.


Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP


Too Many Problems

Do you have the feeling  the daily problems and the stress are too much for you – the burden too heavy to carry? Why do you not start today to hand all the stress over to the Creator? When you place everything into his hands  he  will  navigate   you through  the troubles of life safely..  Anything is possible with Him.

With trust and believe in God life is and  will  be so much easier. We have no idea how much help we can get when we only ask.

As it is written: ”Ask and it is given”

Anna Christine

Free Monthly Distant Healing

Anna Christine`s Free Monthly Distant Healing is always on the first Monday of a month and coming soon…

March the 4th  from 9 pm – 10 pm

To experience the highest benefit drink a glass of warm water before and be in a peaceful state – either lying down or sitting.. When thoughts are coming then let them go.. Think instead about something beautiful.
No Cellphone or TV or any smart technology.

This Distant Healing is different from Reconnective  Healing and Reiki. When you want to participate please send a short email to

Wishing you all the  best,
AnnA Christine

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Nanaimo, BC
Vancouver Island

Inner Peace

The first step to be in a state of inner peace is very simple. Every time you have an angry, anxious, fearful, sad, furious, disappointed thought,  … immidiately say “Stop” and think of something beautiful or funny.

Think of a time you were really happy  or  full of joy…. and  stay with that experience. Repeat this every time you have a bad thought or a negative emotion coming up.

Bad thoughts are coming from  the bad source of thoughts  and happy thoughts are coming from the good (God) source of thoughts.. Easy.

When you consequently do this you will notice how your life will change for the better over time.. Stop watching or listening to the news. Did you notice they talk again and again about the same terrible things which often crreate fear in us.

There are so many  funny, amusing, or comical short videos…Watch them. One does not have to have a Reconnective Healing®  session to reach a state of inner peace.  Constantly switching from a bad thought to a good one  is  changing our life also over time.

During this chaotic time it is very important to be in a state of Joy and inner peace as often as possible.

Wishing you success with this.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Certified Reconnection Practitioner™



for the better

Most Important Alternative Healing

We often ask ourselves, what might be the most important and effective form of alternative healing?

Dr. Desiree Hurtak said April 9., 2023 at the Easter Conference in Phoenix about Key 408 of ‘The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch”: “Reconnective Therapy is the first and foremost way to heal us. It comes from a Higher level of Higher guidance”

Years ago Kryon said in a channelling about a new form of healing `…Get ready for Intelligent Quantum Healing to occur … it marries you and the innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own data and its own DNA.
Reconnective Therapy. Reconnective Healing®,  and Intelligent Quantum Healing  are terms for this new most important form of alternative healing.
Reconnective Healing® balances us on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level  Meridians, chakras and the aura are also getting balanced.. This enables the innate intelligence of our body to heal itself.


Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

PS.: Also Distant Reconnective Healing sessions