Paracelsus said 500 years ago “all disease is curable but not every person”.
Several years ago a couple came to me. He had Parkinson’s and his wife had checked with her pendulum to which therapist to go… The lived on one of the islands and it took a long time to get to my office on Vancouver Island. She had checked all the CranioSacral Therapists in Victoria, Duncan, Ladysmith and then Nanaimo until the pendulum said “YES” to me.
Why did a higher force pick me? Did it know I would also do Reconnective Healing? I was mystified. They wanted a CranioSacral Therapy session and therefore I did that … but after it I gave him a Reconnective Healing session.
A few days later I got an email from her how happy they were that his Parkinson’s symptoms had by fifty percent improved. I was surprised they did not come again. … but then … it was very complicate to get to my office.
A few years later she wrote again that he seems quite happy the way he is.
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PS.: after a fall on the back of your head see a Reconnective Healing practitioner or a CranioSacral Therapist.