Most Important Alternative Healing

We often ask ourselves, what might be the most important and effective form of alternative healing?

Dr. Desiree Hurtak said April 9., 2023 at the Easter Conference in Phoenix about Key 408 of ‘The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch”: “Reconnective Therapy is the first and foremost way to heal us. It comes from a Higher level of Higher guidance”

Years ago Kryon said in a channelling about a new form of healing `…Get ready for Intelligent Quantum Healing to occur … it marries you and the innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own data and its own DNA.
Reconnective Therapy. Reconnective Healing®,  and Intelligent Quantum Healing  are terms for this new most important form of alternative healing.
Reconnective Healing® balances us on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level  Meridians, chakras and the aura are also getting balanced.. This enables the innate intelligence of our body to heal itself.


Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

PS.: Also Distant Reconnective Healing sessions

No Energy – Is there Help?

Having no energy is a warning sign of the body and one needs help. In my last post I wrote about my concern that clients often have no protecting shield around their aura, or it is not totally closed.  These people have no energy and need help. One of the reasons might be they have energy suckers (energy vampires) in their life. That can be anybody … a partner, a friend, a colleage.

These energy vampires connect through cords to the chakras 1, 2, and 3 of others.. Through these cords they constantly use the energy of others.. In case I have to jawn during the day, which is unusual for me, I check my chakras to see if cords need to be cut. Most of the time that is the case.

Since about two years I added to my sessions strengthening the aura and cutting cords. I always do it before the  Distant (remote) Reconnective Healing® session. So many have no energy and are grateful to get help.

After the cords are cut, the aura is closed the Reconnective Healing® session starts and what needs to be done will be done and it includes strenggthening of the aura.  The Divine  decides what needs to be done first..

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: Reconnective Healing® is a form of  Divine Energy Healing. It is  Intelligent Quantum Healing.


Balancing Chakras – The Whole Body – Meridians (Chi-Flow) – Aura with Reconnective Healing®

Yes it is possible with Reconnective Healing® and this might be difficult to understand because we are so trained that there is a pill for the health problem A, a pill for problem B, a pill for problem C and so on. To do this the mind of the doctors is needed.

There are alternative Health Practitioner who balance Chakras,  others who balance the Meridians, others see Auras and balance them, and the ones  who help to restore the body systems. To do this the mind of the practitioner is needed..

The Reconnective Healing® Practitioner is guided by her/his heart and is ‘listening’ with the hands when balancing what needs balancing and what needs it most urgently. I decided to write this post because when explaining this to a Professional Counsellor she said “this is for me an enigma.”.

I had the same response 16 years ago when I said to a senior that Reflexology is beneficial for everything. More about this in another post.
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Anna Christine

PS.: and it can even be done in a Distant Reconnective Healing Session

Reconnective Healing® Improves Brain Function

The rejuvenating frequencies of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® upgrade our brain because they restructure the DNA  of  all body systems,   all tissues, muscles,  the skeletal system, and also the brain. The brain function improves

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®  balance also our mental and emotional state,  Chakras, Aura, Meridians,  and Qi/Prana.

Some of the Benefits of an Upgraded Brain:
Increased calmness  – stress is lifting
— It is easier to be more in the NOW
— Helps to reduce Brain Fog
Improves focus and memory > more clarity
— It is easier to respond instead of reacting
— Our relationships are more loving and understanding
— Increased happiness
— We might get more insight about our purpose in life
— A clearer mind causes better decisions
— The brain seems to function better and better
— More vitality/energy
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It is in my opinion the easiest way to improve our life … especially because one needs most of the time a maximum of three sessions.

Further sessions are advised when something dramatic is happening in our life and we need help to regain balance, peace and joy.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing® is an interesting healing modality for MS and PTSD

Reconnective Healing® Balances Chakras, Meridians, Chi-Flow, Aura

Reconnective Healing® balances all body systems … also Chakras, Meridians, Nadis, Chi-flow and the Aura.

When the physical body, emotions, mind, astral body and the spiritual body are balanced we are more peaceful:

  • stress is lifting
  • we respond instead to react
  • we are happier
  • our emotions are more balanced
  • we might have more insight what our purpose is
  • our brain functions better, the mind is clearer
  • our memory is improved, Reconnective Healing® upgrades the brain
  • we have more vitality/energy
  • we sleep better
  • our intuition is increased
  • our relationships are more loving and understanding
  • and our abundance/success in life might increase because our vibratory level is higher

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The medical field is now acknowledging that our health problems are to 95% stress related. This shows the effect Reconnective Healing® might also have on the physical body.

I can understand why in Serbia 600 doctors participated in Dr. Eric Pearl’s  seminar

More on the websites below.

Anna Christine