Concussion – Whiplash

People who have suffered concussions, whiplash and brain injuries are looking for help – for healing modalities to improve the symptoms they experience.

There is a lot of information on the internet about the possible symptoms but very little information about what to do.

I went in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island to three lectures about whiplash, concussion and brain injuries and was very disappointed.

I had as a teenager a heavy concussion and 12 years ago a car accident with a triple whiplash, unconsciousness and a concussion.

Luckily I knew what will help me and could even apply my Spiritual Gift of Healing on  myself.  All symptoms are gone. Very effective were Reconnective Healing and  my Spiritual Gift of Healing which a client called Brain Rejuvenation.

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The first information evening about concussion and whiplash will be in my office in March
Date:   Saturday, March 10th, 2018
Time:  3 pm – 5 pm
Location:  Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, my office
more on

Anna Christine 
PS.: Distant Reconnective Healing is possible.

How to check for a concussion?

With MY GIFT OF HEALING  it is so  much easier to check if there happened a concussion … because a concussion and all mild brain injuries always cause a blockage of the Chi/energy-flow in the brain.  With my fingertips I can detect these blockages on the head. When my fingers move quickly – it looks a bit as if I scratch the area – then damage to the brain happened.

The same I can even do on an anatomy chart when the person with the concussion or brain injury lives somewhere else.

By doing this the energy flow in the brain improves bit by bit.  Luckily I could do this on my own head after my mild traumatic brain injury in August 2005 that resulted from a triple whiplash. My car was hit three times.  Even now, 12 years later, it happens from time to time that I find blockages in the brainstem area. For two years it felt as if I had a fistsized lead ball in my occiput.

This is in my opinion better for the brain than an MRI or CATSCAN. They are not able to  blockages in the energy/Chi-flow.  They can detect only physical damage.

With my GIFT of HEAlING, that a client named Brain Rejuvenation, it is easy to look for blockages in the Chi/energy flow that cause:
signs and symptoms of concussion. …
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In my next post I`ll write how I knew faster than the doctors where the problem was located in the head.

Anna Christine

Help for Feeling out off Balance

Feeling out of balance could mean experiencing dizziness and unsteadiness when standing or walking – it can also mean feeling emotionally and mentally unbalanced …  experiencing brain fog, anxiety, confusion and even panic attacks.

Reconnective Healing®   is balancing us on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level …  also balancing  Chi/Energy in the Meridians  and,  Chakras .

Many still believe that to balance Chakras one needs a special Chakra-Balancing Session and to balance the meridians one has to go to an Acupuncturist or Acupressurist. That was necessary before Reconnective Healing®.

What I can  accomplish with JinShinDo®Acupressure can also be done with Reconnective Healing® . The benefit is … these sessions can be done worldwide with Distance Reconnective Healing sessions.
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Only The Personal Reconnection® needs to  be done in person.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™ 

Brain Rejuvenation

“Call it BRAIN REJUVENATION” said my client  when I asked him how to call this special ‘Gift’ I have to detect and release energy-blockages in the head and anywhere in the body.

This Spiritual ‘Gift’ of me seems to be  hands on Reconnective Healing®. I wanted to know whether this is right.

Therefore I tested it at several clients. When my fingertips started to move quickly on their scalp I stopped and gave a hands off Reconnective Healing® session. After I had finished I tested the clients scalp again with my fingertips. The result was that my fingertips did not move anymore. The Chi-flow got obviously re-balanced.-

Reconnective Healing® restores balance on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is recognized and supported by science. It upgrades our brain. Better memory, brain fog gone.

Four years after a car accident I had a MRI. The technician was very surprised about the balanced state of my brain and asked me twice “how old are you?” … He  said most brains look very scratchy.
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More science you will find on

Anna Christine

PS.: A huge benefit of Reconnective Healing is that it can be done as distant healing

Possible causes of Vascular Dementia

Having the gift to detect with my fingertips energy blockages in the brain and other parts of the body … for example after an infection that happened during heart surgery … I wonder whether that could prevent in some cases Vascular Dementia.   because knowing about the blockage of the energy flow one can do something, like going to an Acupncturist or when afraid of needles to an Acupressurist.

One of my clients gave this session the name BRAIN REJUVENATION  because of the way he felt after. All stress had lifted!

An alternative healer using a VEGA-machine believed that energy blockages in the brain might cause later in life a stroke. Therefore she send clients to me to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,  to relieve this blockage. The first man came to me during a health fair. Something heavy had fallen on the left side of his head when he was 12. He had a second session in my office and was surprised how different his head felt after.

I believe that stress and injuries may be the cause of these blockages. More about this in   workshops I’ll give at my home-office

According to the medical field the causes for Vascular Dementia are ” a narrowing or a complete blockage of blood vessels in the brain, which deprives brain cells from nutrients and oxygen they  need to function properly. Vascular dementia often results from several small strokes that occur over time.”
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IN my opinion the root-cause started much earlier than a stroke  – it  started when the stress, the injury, and/or the wrong nutrition happened.

Anna Christine

PS: These energy blockages are in my opinion also the cause of MS/Multiple Sclerosis.