How Stress Affects your Brain

Stress affects the brain in ways most are not aware of.  It impedes over time the photon/energy-flow in the brain.  This can cause all health problems of the brain..

Here is the explanation why I gave all day long  Brain Rejuvenation sessions:
Last year I asked a doctor ‘’What is the reason more people have now strokes in the brainstem area? I know three. Is it caused by our communication devices or is it the higher stress  of daily life we are exposed to?’
He also knew three who had a stroke in that area and was of the opinion it is caused by modern technologies. These technologies also affect the brain.

That conversation was the reason I gave on a health fair early Fall 2018 ‘ Brain Rejuvenation’ sessions to release energy/photon/Chi-flow impediments in the head. To my surprise I had to work on each head 5 – 15 minutes.

At the Women’s Expo February 9., 2019, the way stress affects the brain  concerned me even more. I was nonstop busy releasing energy blockages in the heads of many…. this time the sessions were longer  – 10-20 minutes. On four people’s heads my fingers started cramping because so much energy went through my fingers into the head.  That had never happened  before, in the twenty years since I received this Spiritual Gift of Healing. Only one person had a concussion, two had fallen on their tail bone as children, one had a minor car accident and one had banged her head.

This is in my opinion the reason so many have brain fog, poor memory, poor sleep, anxiety, ADD, PTSD, and no energy.  Stress is draining our energy.

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After the Expo I tested the head of a friend who has a farm and horses, but always a cell phone in her pocket. There was absolutely no impediment of the Chi/energy/photon flow in her head.
This friend’s head and the ones of the seniors showed me what protects us is most likely a state of inner peace and joy. .How can we reach this state?

Nothing happens without a reason … perhaps  we have now Reconnective Healing  to help people to regain  again a state of inner balance and wholeness.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner
PS.:Distant Reconnective/Energy Healing Sessions are as effective.

Brain Rejuvenation – – Is It Possible?

BRAIN REJUVENATION by Donation will start soon  at my office

Because of the startling condition of people’s brains who got Brain Rejuvenation sessions at the Wellness and Spirit Fair in Nanaimo, Sept. 15th. 2018 I decided to offer this possibility. . Too many are suffering from Brain Fog, stress, poor memory, headaches, anxiety, and many other problems. I am very concerned and do not know what is going on.
Brain Rejuvenation is a Spiritual Gift of Healing I received 20 years ago and releases energy blockages in the brain. The energy flow/ electrical activity/Chi are responsible for  our ability to think, to emote, to feel, to move, to remember and so on.

Event Date: Every Friday afternoon – Starting October 12th, 2018 
Time:            from 2 pm – 5 pm
Location:     at my office in North Nanaimo.
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Always Tired and No Energy

The electro-magnetic frequencies  (EMF) from cell-phones, routers and all the wireless technology (WiFi) constantly stress our body and that causes over time that people are tired and have no energy and many other problems … many affect the brain.

This is the latest testimonial of a client who had no energy, was tired , and wanted a  Reconnective Healing Session.

I looked at the reasons listed why so many are tired and have no energy. The most important reason – the electro-magnetic frequencies we are constantly exposed to were not listed as a cause.

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Hi Anna Christine,
Thank you for my session; my energy level is better and I am feeling more centered. The intermittent pain that I had been experiencing in my chest/breast (right of centre) has disappeared completely.
Janet K, Nanaimo, September 2018

Benefits of Energy Healing – Reconnective Healing

What do people tend to experience with energy healing before and in the testimonial below after a Reconnective Healing session? And how does it change them? Many report substantial benefits in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being … as this client I recently had after three Reconnective Healing sessions:.

“For me? I had more bowel movements the day of and next following our last session, which is good- remember we talked about the Candida? My telepathy has increased, which indicates that Candida-related brain fog is much better.

My mood is better. I am not as emotional or anxious as I was, not fearing nearly as much for my survival (it has been challenging to get an interview for a job, even!).

I don’t feel as drained or depressed as I was at the beginning of our session.””A few days later I also had a dream in which I was using a sponge to soak up all this white gunk on a brain, making it all pink and clean again. (Again, this refers to the systemic Candida that was making me depressed, anxious and giving me brain-fog). The thrush on my tongue is  also gone. Mind you, I do stick to a very strict low carbohydrate diet, but I always still had this thrush, no matter what I did.

I have made more subtle improvements, too. Most notably, I am writing again- with absolutely no fear. I don’t feel the need to be such a perfectionist all the time, which allows me to let everything flow a lot better.

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Also, I have regained a trust in my abilities that I had lost due to my depleted energy and the Candida. Now I am again focused as a laser, and motivated the way I used to be. I am back on track, thanks to you!” , May, 2018D.C. Nanaimo, BC

Often I forget to ask my clients for a testimonial after they had Reconnective Healing Sessions, many call it Energy Healing but it is very different and uses a much wider spectrum of frequencies … and this results in a wider spectrum of healing benefits.

Anna Christine Doehring RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
PS.: a big benefit is that distant energy healing sessions are as effective

Brain Fog – Please Help

It is so easy to  get rid of brain fog when one knows the right practitioner

February 10, 2018 at the Women’s Epo in Nanaimo I gave a short session to a lady who had Brain Fog and was also very hot in the upper area of her body.

I applied my Spiritual Gift of Healing  and to her surprise the brain fog disappeared and her body temperature was back to normal.after only a few minutes..

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The amazing part of this Spiritual Gift f Healing is that it can also be done as distance healing. It is very similar to distant Reconnective Healing.

Anna Christine