How to Calm a Crying Baby?

Often it is very difficult to calm a crying baby.  My daughter who cares for a little foster child was desperate because the  baby was sick and cried nonstop.  She tried everything but was unable to calm the baby down.

During my Christmas  vacation I had no time to give the baby Reconnective Healing sessions. He was often very restless and cried a lot. Only carrying him around calmed him down.

Yesterday  evening I gave him two Reconnective Healing sessions because he was crying. The first one was short. He stopped crying after  less than five minutes. My daughter was surprised. Because he was sick he cried in the evening again I gave him a second Reconnective Healing session.. After a short time he stopped again to cry, but I continued.  His life  history is pretty dramatic. His mother is unable to care for him.  I continued with the energy healing for forty minutes  and my daughter was surprised about all the happy sounds he made during the session. He was  fairly calm during the night and woke only a few times up so that my daughter could sleep more.. Today, during the day he was most of the time happy, played  with his toys  and was from time to time squeaking with joy.

Imagine when mothers would  participate in Reconnective Healing seminars and could help their children.
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Anna Christine Doehring, THFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified  Practitioner™

PS.: and the besst if all … distant Reconnective Healing is also effective

Help for Panic Attacks

There is something better and more effective  to stop panic attacks than the standard recommendations,
Deep belly breathing. …when the shoulders go up  the breathing stresses you – few people seem to know this
Focus on something that you like
Remember and picture a place you were happy
Use muscle relaxation techniques. … and others.

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I was  and am happy that this new and effective form of healing  can be done as distant healing. One could call it intelligent quantum healing because  the intelligence of your body and the universal consciousness are working together with each other and I, as the practitioner,  am the catalyst to bring the frequencies in and  the mediator in their communication. Even the DNA gets restructured/reconnected. and the brain gets upgraded a bit more with every session .

Anna Christiine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

How Can I Help my Anxious Child?

Anxiety, agitation, and panic attacks are some of the symptoms of Electrosensitivity.  Therefore have the bedroom of your child WiFi free – that means no TV, no mobile phone, no baby monitor, no laptop, and no router. The body heels during the night and can only do this when there are no electromagnetic frequencies … also called radio waves. The spectrum of rediowaves is very large and microwaves are part of it.

You will find a lot of advice on the internet to manage anxiety … I  find it more important to address the root cause. I believe that is either  all the WiFi  technology in our lives and homes  or the lack of specific nutrients .  Healthy food is important. It seems that minerals are important for our mental health. At least I had in the past two links in articles or blogs that referred to a study and also the experience of a father with two bipolar children.. Our soil does not contain many trace minerals anymore that are so important for our health and  emotional stability …  including anxiety and panic attack.

All the scary movies on TV and videos are also too much stress for a child. Toddlers until four do not even know what is reality and what is just a man-made movie. They also do not understand jokes.

I got the best help with Reconnective Healing® and am very grateful to be  now a Certified Reconnection Practitioner™ . In  2007  after a nasty car accident I had the intuition  to participate in a Reconnective Healing Seminar and also to get Reconnective Healing sessions.  Beside other things I things.I suffered  at that time for two years from anxiety and sleep problems  beside many other  things caused by the accident.

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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP

PS.: I forgot: being in nature is also important


Brain Rejuvenation – – Is It Possible?

BRAIN REJUVENATION by Donation will start soon  at my office

Because of the startling condition of people’s brains who got Brain Rejuvenation sessions at the Wellness and Spirit Fair in Nanaimo, Sept. 15th. 2018 I decided to offer this possibility. . Too many are suffering from Brain Fog, stress, poor memory, headaches, anxiety, and many other problems. I am very concerned and do not know what is going on.
Brain Rejuvenation is a Spiritual Gift of Healing I received 20 years ago and releases energy blockages in the brain. The energy flow/ electrical activity/Chi are responsible for  our ability to think, to emote, to feel, to move, to remember and so on.

Event Date: Every Friday afternoon – Starting October 12th, 2018 
Time:            from 2 pm – 5 pm
Location:     at my office in North Nanaimo.
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Parkinson’s – What Reduces Symptoms?

In addition to the last post I want to add the following:

Dr. Eric Pearl who received 1993 the Spiritual Gift of Healing …  which he called Reconnective Healing –  mentioned in one seminar that from four patients with Parkinson’s three where without any symptoms after they had received Reconnective Healing.sessions. I do no know how many and assume probably three sessions. When patients asked him how many sessions they need he mostly said three … but in his book is one person mentioned who got four.

We live now, 25 years later, in a very different world that is much more chaotic and stressful – therefore I believe that five Reconnective Healing sessions are better. There is so much anxiety and depression going on .. it is very sad.

These healings from Parkinson’s were permanent.
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Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are as effective. Therefore – never give up hope!

Anna Christing Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.: Oh, I just read on a website that eating nuts is helpful. I believe walnuts are the best, they are shaped like a brain