Too Many Problems

Do you have the feeling  the daily problems and the stress are too much for you – the burden too heavy to carry? Why do you not start today to hand all the stress over to the Creator? When you place everything into his hands  he  will  navigate   you through  the troubles of life safely..  Anything is possible with Him.

With trust and believe in God life is and  will  be so much easier. We have no idea how much help we can get when we only ask.

As it is written: ”Ask and it is given”

Anna Christine

How to Get Better at Soccer

The foster son of my daughter wants to get better at soccer And is practicing a lot.`With success. Now three trainers want to have him in their team. My daughter said he is so good because he can kick the ball with the left and right foot.

Hearing this I said,’this is probably because of the remote (distant) Reconnective Healing sessions I gave him’. I remembered a clients testimonial I had read four days ago preparing for my talk at a Wellness Fair  I had totally forgotten about this, but know that Reconnective Healing helps with our coordination. Clients had noticed to be better at tennis and golf.

This is part of her testimonial:  ”I noticed after your treatment` …What  noticed also is tthat I use my left hand much more. I am right handed.I stir the soup, grab things from the tablewith my left hand, but also paint little corners which I cannot reach with my right hIch hand…”

I sometimes wondered why not athlets and athletic teams are taking advantage of the benefits of Reconnective Healing. Perhaps they do not know about it.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Certified Practitioner
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island


Brain Rejuvenation – Healing Sessions by donation

Anna Christine will give short Reconnective Healing and Brain Rejuvenation Healing Sessions  by donation  in Parksville. She received her Spiritual Gift of Healing (Corintheans, 12) 1998, A client called it Brain Rejuvenation after she had applied it to his head.


Knoxx United Church, 345 Pym Street, Parksville

The next fair will be in June 2024

Free Admission / Door Priyes

Psychics and Readers

Intuitive Healers

Crystals and Metaphysical Gifts

Anxiety – Our Thoughts

Your thoughts have an effect on your emotions – also on your level of anxiety. You can only think one thought at a time. Therefor see that this thought is positive and loving.

When you have negative, sad, anxious, fearful and angry thoughts your outlook becomes dimmed. You might experience anxiety, become depressed and  over time even physically ill.

When you experience anxiety think immediately of something beautiful,  joyful or funny. Remember, you can only think one thought at a time.

A boy friend/girl friend  at the door, a job promotion, or other marvellous news will change your thoughts immidiately. This is probably the reason so many are now watching cat  videos on the internet.

Aren`t your thoughts your own? Inner peace, joy, anxiety, sadness  are your choice.  These thoughts have also an effect on your immune system.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.:  Clients said after a Reconnective Healing Session. I am  so much at peace“. 

Concussion – Treatment

Is it possible to treat a concussion? Is it not better to give the brain time to rest and to reorganise …  to regain a balance in the Chi-flow.

When fifteen years old I had in Germany a severe concussion.  Four weeks I had to be flat on my back in hospital. Nothing was done additional. After that time I was free of any symptoms.

About fifteen years ago I had another brain injury. The healing took a long time because I was not able to rest as much as would have been necessary.  Being a Holistic Health practitioner I was able to help myself by releasing the energy blockages in  head and neck.  More on the page Brain Rejuvenation.  Two yeas later I attended the first Reconnective Healing seminar and I contribute part of my improvements to that..

Mediction I took only for my neckpain. During a seminar about Blockages of Healing I learned that  medication actually is in the way of the healing process.  Many do not seem to know that.

All healing modalities that help to balance the body are helpful, like Reflexology, Acupressure, Akupunkture, Reconnective Healing and other forms of energy heling.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner