Callous on Toe Tips – Whiplash Connection

Whiplash sufferer need to know the following. The explanation that callous or thickening of the skin forms where there is a general increase in pressure is only one explanation. There is much more to know why callous is forming on toe tips and anywhere else on the feet.

The formation of callous can have in my opinion two reasons
1. that a meridan is blocked because of an injury like for example whiplash
2. that the shoes where to short or tight.

Six years ago I had on Vancouver Island, on the High Way near Nanaimo, a car accident (triple whiplash). I noticed a while later that I had suddenly callous on most of my toe tips. As a reflexologist I was  very concerned. I did not like this proof that something whith my brain was not right. That the cells did not communicate as the are supposed to do.

I took a weekly footbath and removed the callous. I did this out of two reasons: to see whether it is still renewing itself and also to make the toe tips tender so that they are exposed to the stimulation of the shoes.

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One has to take the location of callous, corns, athletes foot, and plantar warts much more seriously. They are always a sign that something is somewhere wrong in the body and it is best to see a Reflexologist, a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, an Acupuncturist or an Acupressurist for help.

I wonder how many people with brain injuries have callous on their toe tips.

Anna Christine