Effects of Coffee

Some say coffee makes impotent, some that it makes the body acidic (disease can only exist in an acidic body), and others that it helps the brain to release dopamine causing the ‘feeling-good effect’ when one smells coffee .

Actually the brain produces a chemical called adenosine that attaches to adenosine receptors and causes dilation of the blood vessels and drowsiness.When we drink caffeine,  the adenosine receptors mistake the caffeine for adenosine and bind to it … but the opposite happens. It constricts the brain’s blood vessels, speeds up neuronal activity, and signals your body to go on high alert by producing adrenaline. It also boosts dopamine levels, which activates the pleasure centers in your brain.

Habitually high caffeine intake (about 950mg a day) results in diminished blood flow to the brain. Over years the reduced cerebral blood flow lowers cognitive function and can exacerbate emotional and mental health problems. It also affects our sleep patterns negatively causing even more fatigue.

In the book “Change your Brain Change your Body”, Daniel by G. Amen, MD, one can find an in depth explanation what happens when we drink too much coffee.
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 I am really glad that I  decided wuite a while ago to drink a maximum of one cup … it is more the flavour than the taste anyway … I never drank it to have energy because I drink since years GoChi and am never tired.

Anna Christine


Depression Reflexology Research

In my last post I wrote that low Serotonin levels caused most likely by stress might often cause depression. Reflexology is one of may answers to this problem. Not only is this form of self-help therapy relaxing and provides immediate relief in many cases. 

Reflexology, it is simply the practice of strategically applying pressure to areas of the feet and hands as they correspond with specific body organs. Ears,  feet and hands are like a map of our entire body. By stimulating nerves on specific areas of the feet and hands, we can stimulate blood flow and eliminate buildup of toxins in the corresponding areas of the body. Reflexology stimulates also the lymphatic system and encourages the release of serotonin and endorphins, the natural feel good hormones that are well documented in relieving the effects of stress.

Serotonin and endorphins are the chemicals which give us a natural high. Serotonin also regulates sleep and appetite and endorphins act as a natural pain reliever. With these benefits it’s not surprising you might want to increase your serotonin and endorphin levels.

When you know how to apply Reflexology the solution to your depression is even free of charge.

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Anna Christine

PS.: in the book “Reflexology, The Definitive Practitioners Manual”, Beryl Crane, is on page 275 a case study for depression.

Depression Causes

There are several causes of depression … One of the causes is a lack of serotonin. There are  different factors that can affect the levels of serotonin  … the most important one is stress … lack of exercise, not enough sleep, a poor diet and not enough sunshine (therefore the people in Afrika look  so much happier than we).

The symptoms of low serotonin levels are beside depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, insomnia, impaired cognitive function and impulse control, and decreased interest in regular activities.

Today I listened to the CD-set “The Power of Intention” from Wayne Dyer. He told  acts of kindness cause in all the participants the following:

Acts of kindness to others raise the level of serotonin

  • in the one who receives the act of kindness
  • in the one who gives the act of kindness
  • and also in the observer.

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And …

  • not only is the serotonin production stimulated
  • kindness also improves our immune system!!!

This is important because the winter is coming.

Imagine how wonderful the world could be when we all take this to heart … this is cheaper and healthier than pills.

Anna Christine

Effects of Processed Food

On the Health of Cats … Why we should have sustainable communities.

On one of my many tapes is a study they did with two groups of cats and the following four  generations of both groups.

One group got normal cat food (whatever that was) and the other group got processed food (probably pellets, I believe they did not specify it) .

The results show that the health care costs for the baby boomer generation might be higher than expected.

The interesting result was that every following generation of cats of the group that got processed food had earlier and earlier health problems.

One can compare this to what is happening to people who eat a lot of processed food. Processed food is ‘dead food’ without any life energy. Our body needs the life energy of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Our grandparents had on average degenerative diseases like arthritis, Alzheimers’s, or heart problems  when they were 80. Our parents had them around 60, the next generation has problems with 40, and I talked already to a young woman that had arthritis with 22 and could not have a child because she was on arthritis medication.

The dramatic ending of the processed food eating cats was, that they lost their survival skills. Both groups were put in a cage that could be flooded. In both cages was a float the cats could climb on.

The well fed group climbed on the float.

The group that ate since 4 generations processed food tried to climb the wall, which meant their death  when they would not have been saved.

Writing this I actually have to think of my mother who was years ago horseback riding in the Rockies and came totally surprised home because she was with 65, coming from a big city (Berlin), the only one who could make a fire.

Even when somebody never made a fire, with some thinking one should figure out how to do it.

This is the reason that I write so often about the importance of gardens and sustainable communities.

Concerned Anna Christine

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Higher Health-Care Costs in Future

80% of young adults in Canada  are concerned about rising health-care costs and a possible failing of the health-care system because of the strain the baby boomers will put on the system.

3/4 called for urgent changes in the health-are system.

In my opinion the approach should be a different one. We should ask ourselves “why are now so many so early sick?” “Why were our parents healthier?” “Why had my grandmother arthritis with 80 and I have it with 22?”

There are many Whys we could ask. “Why have so many allergies?” People nearly seem to expect to have allergies. As soon as they sneeze “oh, what is around that makes me sneeze?”

The root cause is most likely not the substance that is around, but that the person’s body is so loaded with toxins from vaccinations, herbicides and pesticides on and in the fruits and vegetables, toxins in lotions and potions we use, fumes from the carpets and the many additives that are in processed food and don’t have to be listed and so on.

And one day the body says “I have enough I sneeze, have a skin rash, have loose stool … or whatever”. I have no experience because I have no allergies.

To have healthier body we need to buy from  farmers that produce organic produce and fruit or have our own garden …
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In an ideal world the governments would not allow many things to happen, as for example in Europe where GMO food is not allowed.

Don’t kid yourself, the health-care costs will be in my opinion much higher than expected, because all the ones who are now 90 or 100 had fairly healthy food as children and teenagers, were running around and not sitting so much in front of a computer.

To have in future a functioning health-care system we have to take responsibility for our health and there is enough information out about what to do.

When in doubt look at the animals. The eat fresh produce  and drink water and when they are sick they sleep under a bush and do not take a pill.

Wise Owl Anna Christine

PS.: When you don’t know what to do to stay healthy then check here Goji , but you certainly do not need everything, it is just nice to have a choice.