Help for Trapped Emotions & Heart Walls

To remove Trapped Emotions and Heart Walls  become more and more important for people. There is help!

As a Jin Shin Do Practitioner I know that injuries, every excessive emotion  or emotional trauma is causing energy blockages in the body. The location depends of the kind of emotional trauma or the injury. These energy blockages prevent the cells to communicate with each other which causes over time health problems.

Every Organ Meridian is linked to an emotion and therefore the trauma will be ‘trapped’ in the area of the meridian. Easy.

When the issue is about Love then it will  be araund the heart and cause what some call a Heart Wall. I heard that a way to get rid of this wall with a magnetic coller which is true. I have one but never used it for that. Reconnective Healing®  and Jin Shin Do Acupressure address and remove trapped emotionss in a perfect way … and I believe that Reconnective Healing® even achieves more in regard to go to the deepest root cause.

Distant Reconnective Healing® can help people who are far away from any Jin Shin Do Practitioner or Reconnective Healing Practitioner®
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As a Jin Shin Do Practitioner I know that injuries, every excessive emotion  or emotional trauma is causing energy blockages in the body.

can help people who are far away from any practitioner.

Anna Christine
PS.: In my workshop Signs of Our Body that something is wrong I’ll talk about this issue

Does Eating Oatmeal Prevent Osteoporosis?

Yesterday a  friend told me that oats are good to prevent Osteoporisis … and she might be right.

I always thought my mother had  strong bones because she was working hard in her bookbindery until she was about 80 … but. she was also eating daily oatmeal.

Actually also my grandmother, as everybody else in the family was eating oatmeal and had strong bones.
100 g oats contain 70 mg Calcium … put some raisins in, it tastes better
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Perhaps it was not only the active life with lots of lifting that caused her bones to be as strong as ‘German Oak’ as the surgeon in Quebec said when she had a hip-replacement.
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Guess I will eat more wild oats. It is best to soak them in the evening in almond milk or rice milk and to eat them uncooked the next morning because then they still have all the enzymes. 

With all the things cows get I  never use milk.

Anna Christine

What Causes Back Pain?

Back Pain is mostly caused by emotional stuff that is not processed.  When the emotional challenge is not processed it settles as pain in certain areas of the back and becomes chronic.

I was always wondering why people with back pain  go for long times regularly to a Chiropractor. Then I studied Jin Sjin Do Acupressure and it became clear.

We have along the back on each side of the spine the points of the 12 orgen-meridians. Every meridian is connected to an emotion and the area of the pain depends of the emotion we have not processed . 

Anger – Worry – Fear of Death – Missing Love and Nurtering — Grief – Inability to Let Go.  It is often easy, but most don’t know.

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Accidents can be of couse also the reason, like falling during childhood on the tailbone, car accidents, falling of a horse, falling backwards on a hard surface and others. I tend to believe that in these cases the Chiropractor is helpful.

A;ways thinking about what you need to know …

Anna Christine

The Effects of Stress on the Skin

The psycologist Linda Papadopoulos says there is a link between emotion and epidermis.
What could be the reason? There is a German saying “I am not happy in my skin”. When we are stressed we are not happy and this manifests in all kinds of skin conditions that are caused by stress, mainly Epidermis and Acne.

Most girls and young women are looking for skin products that topically remove the skin problem. That is not the best way because the rootcause of  stress is not addressed. The root cause is constipation and the toxins of the putrified matter in the colon get through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and to the skin.

We have as organs of elimination of toxins,  kidneys,  colon,  skin and  lungs. Therefore it makes sense that the result of stress can be Akne or Epidermis.

The best way to have a clear skin is to take steps to have at least 2 bowel movements per day.  Exercise, drinking enough water and eating fiber rich food will help. 
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When one uses creams or antibiotics to have a beautiful skin the toxins stay in the body and will cause over the years other problems. One has to take every skin condition VERY seriously. 

Another approach can also be to chose an alternative healing modality like Acupressure, Massage, Reflexology and others. My favourate is Reconnective Healing because a sense of total calmness is what clients notice first.

Anna Christine
PS.: Reconnective Healing can even be done as distance healing

Knee and Shoulder Pain – Possible Cause

Lying one night in bed on the side and having on that side a sore hip (probably from an accident I had 7 years ago) which went away when I turned on my back I thought . . . Kind of late I must admit

“How many people need one day a hip or knee replacement because they slept most of their life on the same side the have the joint pain?”

An additional trigger might be a lot of stress or an accident they had in earlier years that affected the side of the body where they have joint problems. The reason is that one of the 12 organ meridians runs along the side of our body from the head to one toe. The one beside the little toe.

The stress is relevant because this meridian is affected by stress.
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Therefore . . . In case you have shoulder, hip or knee pain it is better to get accustomed to sleep on the back. … I know it is difficult.

Anna Christine