Pancreatic Cancer – Is Complete Remission possible?

Even when many have a different opinion … I truly believe that complete remission of cancer is always a possibility.

On one of the last broadcasts of the station C-Fun 1410, before it became a sports channel,  somebody from Christian Science who had  15 years ago cancer of the liver and the pancreas told his story.

I must admit that I thought at that time this combination is incurable. He was determined to heal it with  the teachings of Christian Science…. but his condition worsened.

Then he surrendered and said to God “Whatever you want to happen it is ok with me” … and he recovered and was in complete remission, that was 15 years before he told his story in the radio.

Another story from my Reconnective Healing® DVDs It was mentioned that the youngest seminar participant was 8 and the oldest 88 years old..

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After the seminar he recovered and was in remission.. This story was told a few years after his remission. At that time  he lived in a seniorshome where he was very popular because he  could help the others with Reconnective Healing®.

I believe it all depends which lifepath we have chosen. Do we want to leabe this planet or do we want to show the world that one can be in complete remission.

When we relax and let the stress go the body’s pH becomes neutra (with the exception of the stomach) and I have heard and believe it that cancer can not exist in an pH neutral body … neutral is 7.0 – 7.2 pH.

Anna Christine

Multiple Sclerosis – Holistic Approach

Preparing for a talk about the dangers of GMO on CHLY Radio 101.7, Nanaimo, I found on Dr. Mercola’s website how the wife of Mitt Romney, Ann, turned 1098 the progression of her MS around.

She credits the turn around in her health to eating only organic food, Reflexology sessions, and Acupuncture sessions. In Acupressure the same meridians are used.

This is a perfect combination. Since quite a while I believe that MS may be caused by a variety of things.

  • Toxins in our food, personal care products, and our environment.
  • Accidents that have an effect on the meridians that affect the brain.
  • Stress which also affects one of the meridians that transverses several times the scalp/brain.
  • Talking forever on portable or cell phones, beause after 8 min the blood brain barrier opens and all the toxins in the blood can get in.

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Regarding naming  diseases. One takes similar health problems and gives them a/one name.

  • Ann Romney reduced the intake of toxins that are in the food.
  • The Acupuncturist balanced all her meridians and the Chi-flow and reduced by this also stress. 
  • The Reflexologist applied specific pressure techniques on the feet and perhaps the ears and activated/balanced the nervous system, cell-to-cell comunication, the lymph flow, the Chi-flow, and the blood flow. Reflexology is an amazing holistic modality for healing.

This approach enables the body to heal itself.

Anna Christine

Reconnective Healing® Balances Chakras, Meridians, Chi-Flow, Aura

Reconnective Healing® balances all body systems … also Chakras, Meridians, Nadis, Chi-flow and the Aura.

When the physical body, emotions, mind, astral body and the spiritual body are balanced we are more peaceful:

  • stress is lifting
  • we respond instead to react
  • we are happier
  • our emotions are more balanced
  • we might have more insight what our purpose is
  • our brain functions better, the mind is clearer
  • our memory is improved, Reconnective Healing® upgrades the brain
  • we have more vitality/energy
  • we sleep better
  • our intuition is increased
  • our relationships are more loving and understanding
  • and our abundance/success in life might increase because our vibratory level is higher

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The medical field is now acknowledging that our health problems are to 95% stress related. This shows the effect Reconnective Healing® might also have on the physical body.

I can understand why in Serbia 600 doctors participated in Dr. Eric Pearl’s  seminar

More on the websites below.

Anna Christine


Reconnective Healing® – Stress – Testimony

What is possible with Reconnective Healing®? A recent young client who had experienced quite a bit of emotional trauma put her experience so very well in short senttences.

Every parent with a problematic teenager should know about Reconnective Healing®..

After the first session: “My brain really feels relaxed. I felt a lot, but did not see much. First left arm numb, then the right arm, then tingling. Soametimes heavy on chest but then it was gone.”

Because she felt so much better after the first session she came again when she was in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.

After the second session: “The stress lifted off. I feel lighter, just makes me smile.It makes you just look as if I look through different eyes – Happier eyes – Not wanting to go to dark places like bars.”
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I was very happy about her experience.

Reconnective Healing® is also done as distant healing.

Anna Christine

Learn How to Cut the Cords to ENTITIES – Workshop

Because of its urgency … Clients had up to 45 cords that connected them with Entities that suck their energy (using them as batteries).

2 Hour Workshop

Learn How to Cut the Cords to ENTITIES

Date: Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 both will be the same
            Thursday, October 11th, 2012
Time: 7 pm – 9 pm
Price: 33 $

Location: at my home office,
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Anna Christine