How to Overcome Grief?

Grieving is normal and necessary and takes a certain time …

There are probably several wholistic healing modalities that can us help … JinShinDo Acupressure and Reconnective Healing are from the modalities that I practice the most helpful for someone who is grieving.

Years ago a grieving young woman came to my office in Nanaimo … she looked very very sad  … It took one JinShinDo Acupressure session and in 1 1/2 hour her eyes looked happy and sparkled again. It was wonderful to see this effect.

The emotion of grief is connected with one specific meridian.  Balancing the Chi-flow in this meridian had helped her. With JinShiDo the practitioner decided what to do.

With Reconnective Healing it is different – more tomorrow.

Anna Christine

PTSD – Reconnective Healing® Might Help You

Recently, November/December 2013,  so much is talked in the media about how much veterans are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Four committed suicide.

Every time I hear this I wonder “why are they not using Reconnective Healing to help these veterans. Being calm and more at peace is the first what clients observe? … it must be horrible to live constantly with the guilt of having killed another human being.”

Two years ago 600 doctors attended in Serbia the Reconnective Healing seminar because one intended there to make this part of the medical training.  A while after I heard in the radio that they still have in Serbia  many people who suffer from PTSD and are unable to work. Therefore I believe that was one of the reasons one wanted to enable doctors to help patients with PTSD with Reconnective Healing®.

PTSD can also be caused by accidents and when one of my grandsons would have PTSD I would give them distant Reconnective Healing sessions or pay for sessions from a local practitioner in their area.  

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov,  a Russian Quantum Physicist, shows in his book ‘Science Confirms Reconnective Healing’ that  Reconnective Healing® is not just about healing from disease, it is also improving and upgrading  performance and  life on all levels – also the brain gets upgraded.

Anna Christine

What Causes Heel Spurs?

The answer is in my opinion simple >>> Back pain especially Sciatic problems are causing heel spurs… and yes, when we are overweight we have more likely back problems which causes heel spurs.

As a certified reflexologist in Nanaimo  I know that the sciatic nerve ends at the bottom of the heel.
Reflexology is based on the fact that the feet are like a map of the body and every part of the body has an area in the feet it is connected to.
When the Chi-flow in a certain area of the body is impeded the corresponding area in the feet starts to hurt when pressure is applied. The cause are little calcium deposts at the berve endings. 7.000 nerves  end in the feet.

Instead of putting cushions in the shoes or opting for surgery it is in my opinion better to go to a certified reflexologist or to another wholistic health practitioner who is certified in . Acupuncture, Acupressure, Body Talk, EFT … there are many other modalities.

Anna Christine

Heel and Back are Hurting – Hands-on Reconnective Healing®

 The phone was ringing … ” I just want to tell you that my heel is not hurting anymore” said my friend … “and your back?” … “that is ok too”.

I had seen her three hours ago in Nanaimo and because her heel was hurting I released blockages in her back.
She suffers also from heel spurs. … it seems that even my friends do not know how much I am able to help … why did she not tell me that much earlier.

The release of energy blockages can bring fast help. I am very happy to have this gift which one of my clients called ‘Brain-Rejuvenation’ because he was after the session so much more alert.

Actually I have applied this ‘gift’ of mine to release energy blockages also in other areas like  knee, ankle, shoulder, back, head, neck and scars from old surgeries.
I wonder whether it is now more like hands-on Reconnective Healing®

Anna Christine
PS: guess I am a boy-scout … they have to do every day something good

How to Improve Athletic Performance – Reconnective Healing®

The radio station has on youtube the interview Dr. Eric Pearl is changing the way America heals (Part 2)

The interview is 10.51 min long and Dr. Eric Pearl speaks about the benefits of Reconnective Healing® for athletes at min 8.10.

The research was done in Petersbourg, Russia,  with  Olympic athletes and doctors. Speed, Strength and Hand/Eye coordination benefit from Reconnective Healing®

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, one of the Quantum Physicists researching Reconnective Healing® had this research initiated.

I wonder whether Canadian coaches know about this possibility to improve  athletic performance and whether our Olympic athletes receive Reconnective Healing® sessions.

In seems the Russians are very eager to find out how they can improve the performance of their athletes. 30 years ago I read for example Russia and Israel tested the benefits of negative ions on Olympic athletes.

 Anna Christine